Peer Assessment in Micro Teaching: An Analysis of Prospective Teachers' Teaching Profession Level

Peer Assessment in Micro Teaching: An Analysis of Prospective Teachers' Teaching Profession Level

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2314-4.ch012
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Micro teaching was developed to reduce the complexity of the learning environment in the classroom. During the current pandemic period, many theoretical and applied courses have been conducted through distance education. The purpose of research is to determine the level of prospective teachers' skills for the teaching profession in distance education and micro teaching by peer assessment. The research has been designed within descriptive approach. Within the scope of the course, students perform micro teaching. Students choose a topic and explain it in 15 minutes. In distance education, while the student was teaching the lesson live once with Zoom, the second lesson was done on the video he/she recorded before. As a result, it was determined that prospective teachers saw deficiencies in themselves while preparing the lesson plan and they had difficulty in realizing the plan they made during the teaching process. It has been reported that distance education and lessons negatively affect learning due to the pandemic, and the situation reduces the motivation of prospective teachers.
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Micro teaching practices in the world cover a process that started in America and continues with other countries. Micro teaching can be defined as a formal teaching initiative that minimizes the complexity of the normal teaching process by reducing the number of students in the classroom and the duration of the lesson (Spelman & John-Brooks, 1972).

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