Quality of Work-Life Practices in the Indian Hospitality Sector: Future Challenges and Prospects

Quality of Work-Life Practices in the Indian Hospitality Sector: Future Challenges and Prospects

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1322-0.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
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Employees are the most valuable assets for any organization. It becomes very significant for organizations to attract and retain the best talents and maintain them for the longer term in the organization. Moreover, it has been observed in various studies that the working conditions of employees in the hotel industry are unnecessarily more precarious than those in other service industries. However, such conditions differ in certain aspects as well. The present chapter aims to study the broad dimensions of quality of work life such as equal opportunities and growth prospects, adequate fair and compensation, welfare facilities, social security measures, safe and healthy environment, basic facilities related to employee well-being, stress management, motivational dimensions, etc. Further, this study also projects future challenges and solutions for better employee engagement practices and work motivation through quality work practices.
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1. Introduction And Background Of Study

The flourishing economy and increased business opportunities in India have acted as a boon for Indian hotel industry. Hotel Industry is inextricably linked to the tourism industry and the growth in the Indian tourism industry has fuelled the growth of Indian hotel industry. This industry is playing significant role globally and contributing sufficient amount to total GDP, contributing 10% of global GDP and 6% of the world’s total exports. More than one billion tourists are travelling to an international destination every year (World Travel & Tourism Council, 2022). In 2016, Travel & Tourism directly contributed US$2.3 trillion and 109 million jobs worldwide (WTTC Report, 2022).The role of Human Resources is changing as fast as technology and the global marketplace. Historically, the HR Department was viewed as administrative over- head. HR processed payroll, handled benefits administration, kept personnel files and other records, managed the hiring process, and provided other administrative support to the business and welfare issues of the employees. In today’s competitive environment human resource plays a pivotal role to make an organisation successful and to be able to survive in. Lack of benefits to the employees can lead to unfavourable result for an organization. Therefore QWL has become one of the major concerns among both the employees & employers. QWL has been understood as the dynamic and comprehensive management of physical, technological, social and psychological factors that affect culture and renew the organizational environment. Sometimes, it is considered regarding the effect it has on the worker’s wellbeing as well as on the productivity of the company. Furthermore, it is sometimes associated with the intimate characteristic of the technologies introduced into the companies and their impact and to the economic elements like salary, incentives, bonuses, or even to the factors connected to one’s physical and mental health, safety and, in general, to the workers’ wellbeing. QWL is one of the important issues which need to be practiced by all the hotel properties for the satisfaction of their employees. It is observed that QWL in Indian hotels is not formally practiced in majority of hotels, even being one the major concerns for any human being. Henceforth the focus of human resources managers towards providing QWL to their employees becomes significant. Present research is a modest attempt in this direction. Travel and tourism industry in India is playing vital role globally and contributing adequate support into total GDP. With over one billion tourists travel to a world destination each year, business has become a number one economic sector, contributing 10 percent of worldwide GDP and 6 percent of world’s total exports. Representing over simply economic strength, these numbers mirror tourism's large potential and increasing capability to deal with a number of the world's most pressing challenges, as well as socioeconomic growth, comprehensive development and environmental preservation (WTTC, 2022). Tourism may be a major engine of economic process and a crucial supply of exchange earnings in several countries as well as India. it's nice capability to make massive scale employment of various kind – from the foremost specialised to the unskilled and thus will play a serious role in creation of further employment opportunities. It also can play a crucial role in achieving growth with equity (WTTC, 2022). Travel tourism industry business enterprise business is an important economic activity and has direct economic impact on most of the countries globally; moreover the trade has vital indirect and economic impacts. The international organisation Statistics Division-approved business Satellite Accounting methodology quantifies alone the direct contribution of travel tourism industry business but world travel and tourism council recognizes huge contribution of travel and tourism industry with objectives to hold its indirect and induced impacts through its yearly analysis. Travel tourism industry business is also a key sector for economic development and job creation throughout the world. In 2021, travel tourism industry business directly contributed US$2.3 trillion and 109 million jobs worldwide. Taking its wider indirect impacts into consideration, the thereafter contributed US$7.6 trillion to the planet economy and supported 292 million jobs in 2021. This was capable 10.2% of the world’s GDP, and a few one in 10 of all jobs. Travel and tourism enterprise has been outpacing the world economy for the past six years, which is mirrored within the growth figures for individual countries also. Many countries have shown particularly dramatic growth in traveler exports over now amount. They need seen considerably raised flow of business enterprise disbursal, due to prioritization of business enterprise, gap borders, infrastructure investment, and promotional efforts, among different factors. At country level, the quickest growing larger Travel and tourism business enterprise countries are expected to be China, India, Thailand, and state. By 2027, China is anticipated to possess overtaken the USA in terms of total Travel and tourism enterprise GDP, domestic Travel and tourism business enterprise disbursal and investment. However, the USA is anticipated to stay on prime in terms of direct Travel and tourism enterprise GDP, traveler exports and business travel disbursal. the globe of travel and welcome has entered a replacement era of growth and transformation. International business travel disbursal hit a best $1.2 trillion in 2025, up 5% from the previous year. Within the US, revived client confidence, beside a shift in home disbursal from merchandise to services and experiences helped leisure travel gross bookings sustain a rate well prior gross domestic product (GDP).

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