The Role of Standards for Interoperating Information Systems

The Role of Standards for Interoperating Information Systems

Wilhelm Hasselbring
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-878289-70-4.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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For integrating heterogeneous information systems, semantic interoperability is necessary to ensure that exchange of information makes sense — that the provider and requester of information have a common understanding of the ‘meaning’ of the requested services and data. Effective exchange of information between heterogeneous systems needs to be based on a common understanding of the transferred data. This chapter discusses the role of domain-specific standards for managing semantic heterogeneity among dissimilar information sources. The process of integrating such heterogeneous information systems is also discussed in this context, whereby standards play a central role for ‘initiating’ top-down processes by means of defining common data models for the involved information sources.

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