Security of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Security of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Rawish Butt, Tayyab Rehman, Noshina Tariq, Muhammad Ashraf, Mamoona Humayun
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0774-8.ch011
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The use of drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), has significantly transformed multiple industries by providing innovative solutions. The capability of drones to operate above restricted areas and potentially perform malicious activities has generated apprehension regarding the potential risks they may pose. It is essential for governments and organizations to establish robust laws and protocols to guarantee the safety and responsible use of drones. The advancement of drone technology should prioritize the integration of safety measures, such as secure communication and geo-fencing, to mitigate the risks of unauthorized access and possible exploitation of these devices. This research seeks to investigate the potential benefits and challenges of collaborations between governments, technology companies, and security agencies in addressing drone security concerns. The advantages and disadvantages of collaboration in order to ascertain the most efficient approach for creating a safe and favorable atmosphere have been deliberated.
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Background Information on the Use of Drones

Drones, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), have become extremely popular in recent years. Drones were initially designed for military objectives, but they are now employed in various industries, including agriculture, construction, filmmaking, and even delivery services. These adaptable flying aircraft provide various advantages, including cost-effectiveness, accessibility, and the capacity to reach difficult locations (Bai et al., 2023). As a result, the usage of drones has transformed various industries and created a whole new set of opportunities. Drones have revolutionized the agriculture industry (Chittoor et al., 2021). Farmers can now readily monitor crop health, identify areas of concern, and even accurately spray pesticides or fertilizers, decreasing the need for manual labor and enhancing efficiency (Radoglou-Grammatikis et al., 2020). Similarly, drones are used within the construction industry for mapping and visualization, giving precise data while saving time and resources (Choi et al., 2023). Filmmakers have also adopted drones, which provide novel viewpoints and aerial images previously only available with pricey equipment (Chaurasia & Mohindru, 2021). Finally, corporations such as Amazon have begun experimenting with drone delivery services to revolutionize how things are transported and make deliveries faster and more convenient for consumers (Ghamari et al., 2022). Overall, the usage of drones has altered several industries (illustrated in Figure 1), extending the boundaries of what was previously attainable and providing innovative solutions.

Figure 1.

Applications of UAV


Importance of Addressing Drones' Security

However, as drones grow increasingly common, it is critical to address the security problem. Drone’s ability to fly above restricted areas and potentially carry out malevolent operations has raised concerns about their possible threats (Pandey et al., 2022). Governments and organizations must develop strong regulations and processes to ensure drones are safe and used responsibly. Furthermore, developments in drone technology should prioritize enhanced safety features such as secure communication and geo-fencing to prevent unauthorized of access and potential exploitation these devices (Zhi et al., 2020). Governments may ensure drone operators obtain sufficient training and follow safety rules by implementing legislation and protocols (Iqbal, 2021; Mekdad, Aris, Babun, El Fergougui, Conti, Lazzeretti, & Uluagac, 2023). Organizations should also establish standardized protocols for drone use, such as acquiring permits and performing frequent inspections. Furthermore, collaboration among governments, technology companies, and security organizations will be critical in addressing and mitigating the threats connected with drones (Ceviz et al., 2023). With a holistic approach to drone security, the safer environment can be achieved for both recreational and commercial drone operations. Some may claim that imposing laws and standards will limit innovation and slow the expansion of the drone sector. In contrast, partnerships between diverse groups may result in bureaucratic inefficiencies and delays addressing security concerns (Yu et al., 2023).

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