Significance of Capacity Building Through Professional Development Programs: Pathways to Accreditation in HEIs

Significance of Capacity Building Through Professional Development Programs: Pathways to Accreditation in HEIs

Mohammad Sultan Ahmad Ansari, Henry Jonathan
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1698-6.ch018
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Higher education institutions (HEIs) accreditation is pivotal for developing quality of education. The HEIs need to evaluate their readiness and ability for accreditation with the respective institution. HEIs shall take leading role in academic publications, teaching quality, and contribution to conferences for capability building. It can develop a comprehensive understanding so that policymakers to enhance quality and effectiveness of higher education. Capacity building initiatives in HEIs, such as faculty development programs, curriculum enhancements, or quality assurance mechanisms can support development. It was observed that the most significant improvements can develop institutions in resource allocation within the constraint and program development.
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1. Introduction

Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) could be a pivotal that prepare and guarantees the total quality of education imparted that assures the of implementation of scholarly programs. Total Quality Management (TQM) is a strong linkage to organizational performance Magd (2022). The pathways to accreditation may change from one nation to nation and yet it can give a general overview of the common steps included within the accreditation preparation for HEIs. According to Bank (2014), the methods of quality assurance to be included in accreditation.

The HEIs are generally curious about recognition and accreditation start by surveying their readiness and qualification. The HEIs are the greatest firebrand of the educational area working for quality education (Saria et al 2016). They audit their programs, workforce skills, talent, and administration structures to distinguish ranges that will require advancement. HEIs must select a fitting authorizing body that adjusts with their regulated goals and program offerings. HEIs may plan an internal review report that can give point by point data around the institution, its vision, mission, objectives, programs, staff, assets, and forms. Certifying bodies regularly organize location visits by a group of peer analysts. These analysts are experienced teachers and directors from other HEIs. Institutional survival would depend on improvement of student achievement. They assess the institution based on the self-study report, interviews, and beliefs amid to the site visit (Schmadeka 2012). HEIs must illustrate compliance with accreditation benchmarks, which changes depending on the certifying body requirements. Students were in favor of the standards related to the quality of teaching and learning (Al-Amri et al 2020),. These benchmarks regularly cover regions such as educational standard and its quality, workforce capabilities, understudy bolster administrations, and organization administration. Taking after the audit, the certifying body gives criticism and suggestions for advancement. HEIs must regularly create activities and plans to address any lacks distinguished.

1.1 Objectives of the Study

Capability development of any HEIs is a crucial and ongoing process with an aim of enhancing an institution's ability to achieve its mission and goals effectively. The aims of capability building are multifaceted, which can deal with:

  • a.

    Quality of education and research by strengthening faculty ability and curriculum development.

  • b.

    Promoting innovative teaching methods and pedagogical approaches

  • c.

    Encouraging and helping research and innovation activities among faculty and students. According to Mensah (2016), Institution to commit explicitly for development of quality culture.

  • d.

    Expanding research infrastructure and resources.

  • e.

    Institutional Governance and Management

  • f.

    Strengthening leadership and management capabilities among administrators. According to Ansari (2022), supportive leadership and infrastructure would drive profitability and shareholder values.

At the same time the government structure to ensure transparency, accountability, and efficiency for professional development programs.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Variability in Accreditation Standards: Differences in accreditation criteria, processes, and requirements, which may exist across regions, countries, or accrediting bodies.

Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility: Accreditation bodies are increasingly considering these aspects in their standards.

Resistance to Change: A common challenge involving the reluctance of individuals or institutions to adopt new practices or adapt to changes in standards and requirements.

Resource Constraints: Limitations related to financial, human, and infrastructural resources that may hinder HEIs' capacity-building efforts and their ability to meet accreditation standards.

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