Technology in the Technology Classroom

Technology in the Technology Classroom

Lawrence A. Tomei
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-109-4.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Technologies in the classroom are now the norm in schools equipped with multimedia, graphics and animation, access to the Internet, and handheld and remote devices. Students use these technologies as once they used pencils, books, and manipulatives to learn content in all subject areas. Learning is surpassing mere skills and facts; students are thinking and solving problems using these new skills. Literally, the world has become their classroom. Technologies help students master content aided by the fastest Internet connections at home as well as school. Technologies are the norm rather than the exception as tools for learning and content to be taught and mastered in school. Technologies are transforming how teachers teach and how their students learn, making it possible for both to attain the demands of ever-increasing standards. To meet these demands, educators have come to consider technology as a content area to be learned and as tools to be mastered.

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