The Consequences of Integrity Attacks on E-Governance: Privacy and Security Violation

The Consequences of Integrity Attacks on E-Governance: Privacy and Security Violation

Manzoor Hussain, Mir Sajjad Hussain Talpur, Mamoona Humayun
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9624-1.ch009
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With the development of new advanced technology, people's expectations and grievances of improving services and values in all aspects of life are growing. Changes in technology are offering better solutions to problems, hence improving existing systems. At the same time, new technologies are presenting new security and privacy violations. As information resources become more digitized, infrastructure and digital data are also facing increasing challenges. For advanced nations, the security parameters and optimization techniques have been thoroughly tested and are in good working order. However, these issues have yet to be adequately addressed in developing countries. An unauthorized person applies several different methods and techniques in the modern age for getting self-profit. The major goal of the research is to discover and assess the implications of integrity attacks and threats that have been used in e-governance research during the last 15 years. This research will be supported in assessing the security of various organizations that are working under e-governance.
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Cyber-attacks damage your businesses and can reduce your customers' faith in you. As a result, there's a chance you'll lose customers. Sales are down. It's no secret that as new technologies emerge, so do new opportunities for illicit activity. They pose a threat not only to the narrow-minded but also to the world's active progress. The sum of money. The accumulation of data follows a geometrical pattern that leads to a compromise of some sort. Confidentiality, integrity, and availability are the three pillars of information security (Reda et al., 2021), (Najmi et al., 2021). A growing number of cyber security holes have harmed corporate competence in the modern technological era, particularly in the context of Industry 4.0, by exploiting the vulnerabilities of networked business gear. In some circumstances, cyber-attacks on critical industrial equipment can undermine a company's business model (Humayun, 2021), (Saleh et al., n.d.). There has been a substantial increase in cyber security research to aid cyber applications and prevent major security flaws that these apps face. (Humayun, 2021). The rapid rise of IoT and broad acceptance of wireless technology has opened up new development opportunities in a range of real-world sectors, like e-health & smart cities applications (Almusaylim et al., 2020). We observe that the clicks we make on our computer machine bring us to a wealth of fresh knowledge while we are taking a break, eating lunch, resting, or unplugging from the information network for a few moments. However, we now have access to hundreds of new software programs and apps in the field of information technology Figure-1 (Jashari & Avdyli, 2020), (Matteson, 2021).

We expect that this paper makes a comprehensive overview of the consequences of Integrity Attacks on E-Governance, Privacy, and security violation and focused to discover and assess the implications of integrity attacks and threats. Our study provides deep discussion, suggests effective findings and critical evaluation.

Figure 1.

Health Data Breaches (HIPAA Journal, 2021)


Health Data Breaches have increased and their severity is 6,535,130 according to the healthcare records. The breaches have crossed 63 incidents and the record of healthcare exposes for each month is 3,323,116. Additionally, the past 12 months have 40 million recorded (HIPAA Journal, 2021)

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