Ukrainian Social Realities and Emotivities in the Political Speeches of Yuliia Tymoshenko: A Data-Based Approach

Ukrainian Social Realities and Emotivities in the Political Speeches of Yuliia Tymoshenko: A Data-Based Approach

Felipe Debasa, Yuliia Andriichenko, Nataliia Popova
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9609-8.ch015
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Ukraine is a European state situated in the middle of the spheres of power and influence of the European Union and Russia. After the fall of the Soviet Union communist regime, Ukraine maintained a significant number of Russian citizens who now promote the country in international politics. In front of them, a larger number of Ukraine citizens show their preferences to join to the European Union. Thus, the country is being polarized due to some political forces exploit these contradictions for authorities' defamation and to their own benefits. This chapter presents an analysis of a wide selection of Yuliia Tymoshenko's speeches using computer tools that allow the analysis of a large volume of data.
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Theoretical Background In Discourse Analysis

The theoretical basis of the research is to combine the discourse linguistics and pragmatics provisions developed in the works of N. Arutyunova, M. Bakhtin, S. Balli, E. Benvenist, G. Bias, V. Bogdanov, V. Borbotko, R. Brinker, R. Craig, G. Cress, G. Cook, G. Herman, I. Ilyin, S. Guerrero, R. Godel, H. Grunert, T. Van Dyck, R. Dickman, W. Edmondson, Y. Karaulov, A. Kibrik, I. Kobozeva, S. Krestinsky, M. Mironova, D. Noonan, E. Nunez, N. Pairklaf, V. Petrov, Sh. Safarov, W. Sager, J. Searle, E. Sheigal, M. Stabs, L. Fernandez, M. Foucault, D. Shifrin, O. Syshchikov, A. Vezhbytska and others.

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