Unmasking the Pandemic's Hidden Challenge: The Impact of Social Isolation on Cyberbullying

Unmasking the Pandemic's Hidden Challenge: The Impact of Social Isolation on Cyberbullying

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 30
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1139-4.ch009
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In the COVID-19 pandemic, a new challenge emerges in the digital realm – a surge in cyberbullying fuelled by social isolation. This chapter explores the intricate connection between isolation measures and the alarming rise in online harassment. Lockdowns and distancing have turned the online space into both a refuge and a battlefield, revealing unique consequences of isolation. The pandemic has reshaped cyberbullying, with increased screen time, online education, and heightened social media engagement playing complex roles. As social isolation heightens vulnerability, the line between physical and digital blurs, exposing individuals to online harassers. The chapter acknowledges the profound impact of social isolation on mental health, with pandemic stressors and online anonymity fostering anxiety among cyberbullying victims. Educational settings, grappling with remote learning challenges, also experience the ripple effects of cyberbullying. Despite these challenges, coping strategies and support mechanisms emerge, aiding individuals in navigating the digital landscape safely.
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In the COVID-19 pandemic, the world found itself in a situation unprecedented in modern history (Haghani & Bliemer, 2020). Governments imposed lockdowns and restrictions on movement, and individuals were forced into social isolation to curb the spread of the virus (Hwang et al., 2020). While these measures were necessary to protect public health, they inadvertently gave rise to another, less visible but equally pernicious threat – the surge of cyberbullying. As we grappled with the isolation, anxiety, and uncertainty brought about by the pandemic, the digital realm became both a lifeline and a battlefield. The screens that connected us also became conduits for harassment, intimidation, and cruelty. This perspective article aims to shed light on the subtle yet profound interplay between social isolation and cyberbullying during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cyberbullying, a malicious form of online aggression, has been a growing concern for years (Ferrara et al., 2018). Before the pandemic, it had already permeated the lives of adolescents, young adults, and even adults, affecting their mental health, self-esteem, and overall well-being (Varela et al., 2022). However, when the world was thrust into an era of social distancing and remote communication, cyberbullying took on new dimensions and magnitudes. This transformation of the digital realm was driven by both the vulnerabilities posed by social isolation and the opportunities presented by increased online engagement (Dwivedi et al., 2021).

The pandemic's impact on cyberbullying is a multifaceted issue that necessitates a nuanced examination. The emotional strain induced by social isolation made individuals more susceptible to online harassment (Abaido, 2020). The isolation, accompanied by the fear of the virus and its consequences, created fertile ground for cyberbullies to exploit (Alsawalqa, 2021a). The surge in remote learning and remote work increased our dependence on digital devices, offering more opportunities for cyberbullying to occur (Kee et al., 2022). The ubiquitous screens and social media platforms that once connected us now became platforms for victimization.

Understanding this complex interplay between social isolation and cyberbullying is crucial not only for grasping the full impact of the pandemic but also for formulating strategies to protect individuals in an increasingly digital world. The issues at hand encompass psychological, sociological, technological, and ethical dimensions. This article embarks on a journey to unravel these complexities, with the goal of providing insight, awareness, and a foundation for action.

Before delving into the impact of social isolation on cyberbullying, it is essential to first recognize the evolving landscape of cyberbullying during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cyberbullying, characterized by hostile online behaviours aimed at causing emotional distress or harm, was already a prevalent concern. But the pandemic brought about notable shifts in the patterns and prevalence of cyberbullying (Sorrentino et al., 2023). These shifts were closely intertwined with the altered conditions of our daily lives.

The pandemic's influence on cyberbullying was inextricably linked to the increased reliance on digital communication (Shin & Choi, 2021). As lockdowns were enforced and physical distancing measures implemented, people of all ages turned to the internet to connect with friends, family, colleagues, and educational institutions. Online platforms became the primary avenue for social interaction, entertainment, and work, making it a natural playground for cyberbullies (Sathyanarayana Rao et al., 2018).

The surge in online activity coincided with a significant increase in cyberbullying incidents. Cyberbullies adapted to the new normal, deploying pandemic-related themes and tactics to harass their victims. From spreading false information about someone's COVID-19 status to using the pandemic as a means of inciting fear or humiliation, the arsenal of cyberbullies expanded (Alsawalqa, 2021b). The online spaces that once provided solace or leisure were infiltrated by vitriol and cruelty, exacerbating the emotional toll of the pandemic (Peled, 2019). Cyberbullying became not just a personal problem but a societal one, demanding collective attention and response.

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