Using Business Rules within a Design Process of Active Databases

Using Business Rules within a Design Process of Active Databases

Youssef Amghar, Madjid Meziane, Andre Flory
Copyright: © 2002 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-931777-02-5.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Modeling behavior is an important task of the information system engineering process. This task is especially important when information systems are centered on active databases, which allow the replacement of parts of application programs with active rules. To relieve programmers from using either traditional or ad hoc techniques to design active databases, it is necessary to develop new techniques to model business rules. For that reason, inclusion of rules during analysis and design stages becomes an actual requirement. In this paper, we propose a uniform approach to modeling business rules (active rules, integrity constraints, etc. ). To improve the behavior specification, we extend the state diagrams that are widely used for dynamic modeling. This extension is a transformation of state transitions according to rule semantics. In addition, we outline new functionalities of Computer Aided System Engineering (CASE) to take into consideration the active database specificities. In this way, the designer can be assisted to control, maintain, and reuse a set of rules.

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