Using Machine Learning Algorithms for Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Using Machine Learning Algorithms for Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Mazen Mobtasem El-Lamey, Mohab Mohammed Eid, Muhammad Gamal, Nour-Elhoda Mohamed Bishady, Ali Wagdy Mohamed
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7136-4.ch041
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There are many cancer patients, especially breast cancer patients as it is the most common type of cancer. Due to the huge number of breast cancer patients, many breast cancer-focused hospitals aren't able to process the huge number of patients and might expose some women to late stages of cancer. Thus, the automation of the process can help these hospitals in speeding up the process of cancer detection. In this paper, the authors test several machine learning models such as k-nearest neighbours (KNN), support vector machine (SVM), and artificial neural network (ANN). They then compare their accuracies and losses with themselves and other models that have been developed by other researchers to see whether their approach is efficient or not and to decide what machine learning algorithm is best to use.
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1. Introduction

We have faced the problem of the need to save time daily. Which the people try fixing the problem by automating tasks that can either be repetitive or simply can extract a pattern to automate it. One of these problems is the spread of cancer has increased on a large scale; particularly breast cancer such that it is considered to be the most common type of cancer and the second leading cause of death (Ataollahi et al., 2015). This problem can be solved by utilizing our knowledge in probability, mathematics, and programming into facilitating the process of diagnosis of tumours in breasts, but first, the structure of the breast tumours should be understood to be able to diagnose it through our machine learning algorithms.

Breast is located on the chest front and consists of fatty tissues, connective tissues or fibrous tissues, and glandular tissues that decide the shape, texture, and size of the organ. The fatty tissues are located between lobes instead of lobules. The female breast is considered as an endocrine gland that consists of alveoli that are covered by mammary secretory epithelial cells (Tobon & Salazar, 1975). Alveoli are attached by small ducts connected with each other forming larger ducts that outlets the lobules which are considered as sacs that produce milk and arranged in bundles. The large ducts are joined with a single duct for each lobe. The unique duct below the areola is shown as a widening in the lactiferous bore before tightening at the nipple’s base (Bannister et al., 1995; Vorherr, 1974).

Figure 1.

Schematic view of nipple areola


Cancer is a disease that occurs due to abnormal growth of body cells and this usually happens as a result of a modification in the RNA or DNA so that cancer is an entropic disease that is linked with the increasing of the organism entropy (Sharma et al., 2010). Cancerous tumours are classified into two kinds: benign tumours and malignant tumours. The distinguishing between malignant and benign tumours is an extremely important issue for cancer pathology. The benign tumour is a mutual skin bumble that keeps stocked to its position and doesn’t attack the normal tissue. This kind of tumour has many types, the most common type is the Fibroadenomas benign tumours they are lumps that have rubbery, round, slippery shape and they can move in the breast freely when they are pushed. The malignant tumour is a tumour that expands along with the normal tissues and the body through the lymphatic system and this kind of tumours also has many types of tumours (Cooper, 2000). Breast cancer is a cancer that is created in the breast tissue, basically from the milk ducts inner lining or from the lobules.

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