Virtual Enterprise Network Solutions and Monitoring as Support for Geographically Dispersed Business

Virtual Enterprise Network Solutions and Monitoring as Support for Geographically Dispersed Business

Sebastian Marius Rosu, George Dragoi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61350-168-9.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
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Transnational enterprises are assigning design and production around the world, but research is aimed to generate and support the enterprises’ networks formation and operation as virtual enterprises through the setting-up of service-oriented workspace environments. We consider here a role-based authorization approach to service invocation as necessary in order to enhance and guarantee the integrity of the transactions that take place in the business environment of a virtual enterprise. The virtual enterprise network and the virtual team are the main concepts used in analyzing the network architecture for geographically dispersed enterprises as support for business development. Using this e-business oriented paradigm this chapter presents an enterprise network monitoring solution based on open source software (OSS) implemented in the PREMINV Research Center, at the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest.
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To be competitive and to react faster to the market demands the enterprises need new information processing techniques, able to analyze the increasing amount of produced data, and innovative solutions in order to manage the computational resources with better flexibility, scalability, efficiency and smaller costs. Today, under the concept of a global economy, enterprises are assigning design and production environments around the world in different areas. The optimization of product benefit must be the focus of all network activities (Niemann, Tichkiewitch. & WestKämper, 2009). A serious issue of information exchange emerges as companies use traditional hardware and very distinct software appropriate to their field of expertise. All organizations use today Internet or Internet technologies to attract, retain and cultivate relationships with customers, streamline supply-chain, manufacturing, procurement systems and automate corporate processes to deliver the right products and services to customers quickly and cost-effectively, also to capture, explore, analyze, and automate corporate processes information on customers and company operations in order to provide better business decisions (Rosu, Dragoi & Guran, 2009); in some cases these technologies are also used to estimate the business risk (Rosu, Dragoi, Cotet & Rosu, 2010) – e.g. business partners evaluation. Development of ICT leaves much more freedom to the designers and consultants to accommodate organizations to other influences, both internal and external. For business, e-service is going to be a new way to save money, to revenue growth, and faster development model. For end-users, e-services increase productivity and simplify life, take advantage of more sophisticated and specialized services on as needed basis. At the level of production-dedicated enterprises, e-services are: business-to-business (supply-side), intra-business (internal-side), and business-to-customer (customer-side). New enterprise model architecture uses the Intranet/Internet/Extranet infrastructure and technologies (Dragoi, Cotet, Rosu & Rosu, 2007; Dragoi, Draghici, Rosu & Cotet, 2009).

The development of the digital economy will be the set of strategies and actions to contribute to driving the competitively of the country's productive sector by inserting it into the digital economy; which implies migrating from an economy with a scarce use of information technologies, to one where the use of these technologies is generalized in all economic, cultural and social activities (Ploder & Fink, 2007). The generalized use of IT generates increases in the productivity and competitiveness of the economic agents, in this way contributing to the generation of well being and greater opportunities for progress. Today, the Challenge in the world is of the change agents in the countries and through its technological and social components, has among one of its objectives, to accelerate the digital economy's development process in businesses, especially the micro, small and medium ones, for increasing the competitiveness of economy; as well as develop a digitalization culture in society, particularly in the consumers (Ash, 2008). As the e-economy evolves, we must reexamine our beliefs about what can be achieved. New ideas and consumer demand trigger new business opportunities which proliferate so rapidly that three months in the e-economy is considered the equivalent of a full year in a traditional business development cycle. More than two thirds of businesses now have a web presence which offers product or catalog information for customer convenience. However, few organizations have really taken the trouble to find out what their channel partners need in terms of rapid information deployment to better manage the supply chain. To grasp how the e-economy will affect your business, you need to think about how web technology is going to transform your relationship with your customers. During the next years, the supply chain model of the e-economy will bear little resemblance to today's model (Husband & Bair, 2008). Competitive forces and new technology will continuously alter the shape and flow of commerce (IBM Software Development Platform, 2008).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Virtual Private Network: A virtual private network (VPN) allows the provisioning of private network services for an organization or organizations over a public or shared infrastructure such as the Internet or service provider backbone network. The VPN is a network emulated (the virtual) built on public infrastructure (shared), dedicated to a client (the private) to connect users in locations and to ensure similar conditions of integrity, confidentiality and quality similar with those of a private network.

Virtual Enterprise Network: The idea of virtual enterprise network (VEN) is meant to establish a dynamic organization by the synergetic combination of dissimilar companies with different core competencies, thereby forming a best of everything consortium to perform a given business project to achieve maximum degree of customer satisfaction. In this context a VEN is a way for businesses to achieve virtual scale enabling them to operate as if they had more resources and capacity than they actually have.

Network Management: represents the activities, methods, procedures, and tools (software and hardware) that pertain to the operation, administration, maintenance, and provisioning of networked systems. The corporations can development permanently project with virtual teams support if have a good network management.

Virtual Networking: means the use of internet Web sites to connect with on-line communities.

E-Economy: new digital economy (e-economy), are based on the product perspective (holistic product view, product life-cycle, value-network integration, etc.), business organizational perspective (new organizational form, customers and suppliers integration, collaborating organization etc.), the technology perspective (technological building blocks, infrastructures, interoperability etc.) and the individual perspective (skills, workspaces, collaborating individual, different roles: worker, consumer, citizen).

Virtual Teams: can be defined as groups of workers geographically, organizationally and/or time dispersed brought together by information technologies to accomplish one or more organization tasks. The degree of geographic dispersion within a virtual team can vary widely from having one member located in a different location than the rest of the team to having each member located in a different country. The term virtual team is a misnomer as although it makes reference to virtual reality and the concept of creating a virtual space that can be experienced it also suggests that the virtual team isn’t actually a team and as such can lead to a loss of performance.

Virtual Enterprise: a temporary alliance of enterprises that aim to share resources and skills in order to respond better and faster to emerging opportunities in the market, based on a technical infrastructure and information technologies represented by communications/computer networks

Virtual Product Development through Virtual Teams in Virtual Enterprises: is a temporary alliance of teams who share the skills, abilities and resources in pursuit of a project and whose cooperation is supported by computer network and appropriate tools, skills and special applications software. The ultimate objective of all product development teams is superior marketplace success of the new products and services.

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