Widening Access to Learning in Cities of the 21st Century

Widening Access to Learning in Cities of the 21st Century

Omobola Omoyeni Adelore, Solomon Oluwaseun Ojedeji
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8134-5.ch006
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This chapter makes the point that the cities we live in have become complex as a result of galloping population growth as well as economic and technological advancements. Coping with phenomena such as these demands a considerable amount of human capital development which frees up human beings' potentials and capabilities and serves in sustaining living at all levels. Therefore, if urban dwellers must be empowered to take advantage of both the opportunities and challenges offered by the cities, limitless access to learning throughout life must be provided. Whereas the specific learning frame appropriate for assisting city dwellers has been identified as “learning cities,” it is the view of this chapter that the establishment of sustainable learning cities begins with the allocation as well as management of city spaces for learning. This role falls on the shoulders of city and regional planners who are here called upon to play their honorable part in the provision of learning.
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We live in a complex world marked by increasing urbanization as well as scientific and technological improvements. Majority of the world’s population lives in cities and there is a continuous migration of people from rural to urban regions. For this reason, cities and urban regions of the world have been responsible for national as well as global development (UNESCO, 2015). The considerable level of infrastructural, economic and technological development in cities, notwithstanding, learning cities have been regarded by UNESCO (2015 p.7) as ‘the pillar of sustainable development’. If residents of cities will be empowered, therefore, there must be limitless opportunities and access to learning throughout live. Through learning, the quality of life is improved; citizens are better positioned to solve personal and societal problems towards the building of a more sustainable society (UNESCO, 2012). Lifelong learning, therefore, brings about both economic and cultural benefits to individuals as well as communities and this should be a main concern of cities in different nations of the world. Much of the literature on lifelong learning affirms that development of learning cities are indeed crucial to meeting the challenges of the twenty first Century (Field, 2003; Javis, 2006; OECD, 2001; UNESCO, 2015)

Key Terms in this Chapter

Regional Planning: The act of allocating and management of lands in cities.

Knowledge and Skills: This is an understanding one has about the basic operation of himself and his environment and the ability to utilize such understanding for daily functionality.

ICTs: These are information and communication technologies, which are particularly useful for the purpose of learning.

Access: This is an equal chance available to all citizens to benefit from learning opportunities throughout life.

Learning Cities: These are cities which are developed in such a way that opportunities for continuous learning as well as manpower development are created.

21st Century: A period of time spanning through the current age.

Lifelong Learning: A type of learning which goes on throughout a lifetime.

Development: This has to do with positive growth or improvement from what is to what it should be.

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