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What is Mobile Cellular Subscription

Handbook of Research on Green, Circular, and Digital Economies as Tools for Recovery and Sustainability
Subscriptions to a public mobile telephone service that provide access to the PSTN using cellular technology. The indicator includes (and is split into) the number of postpaid subscriptions, and the number of active prepaid accounts (i.e., that have been used during the last three months). The indicator applies to all mobile cellular subscriptions that offer voice communications. It excludes subscriptions via data cards or USB modems, subscriptions to public mobile data services, private trunked mobile radio, telepoint, radio paging and telemetry services.
Published in Chapter:
Digital Economy Transformation in Nexus With External and Social Sustainability: The Indonesian Experience
Arif Budimanta Sebayang (SigmaPhi Research Institute, Indonesia), Telisa Aulia Falianty (Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia), Firdha Anisa Najiya (Sigmaphi Research Institute, Indonesia), and Gusti Raganata (SigmaPhi Research Institute, Indonesia)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9664-7.ch009
In response to Indonesia's accelerating digital use, this study aims to address challenges to implement digital business models and identify the impact of digital economy to external and social and environmental sustainability. This study uses desk study, descriptive statistical analysis, and quantitative regression model and qualitative information from discussion with relevant stakeholders. This study provides several important results. First, increase in mobile cellular subscription will lead to increase in inequality, while percentage of internet user to population has shown otherwise. Second, the study also found that technology has a possibility to affect environment since it could increase CO2 emission. The digital technology gives the pressure to increase balance of payment deficit. The recommendations include increasing digital access and digital literacy, developing pro-environment technology, and increasing the exports of digitally deliverable services.
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