Museum without Walls: Digital Technology and Contextual Learning in the Museum Environment

Kevin Hsieh (Georgia State University, USA)
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 260
EISBN13: 9781466626386|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1930-2.ch013
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Technology was first implemented in exhibition design and gallery interpretations in the 1950s. Since then, the development and instructional use of technology in museums has increased significantly. With the recent trend in visitor-centered initiatives being encouraged by museum professionals, cultural institutions are arranging exhibitions and displays, offering activities and programs, as well as developing materials to better augment visitors’ on-site and off-site learning experiences. The most ubiquitous augmentations are the utilization of different digital technology and virtual museum (Mediati, 2011). For instance, Lu (1999) pointed out that museums installed flat-screen televisions for presenting exhibition and art object information while Chao and Lai (2008) found that museums used personal portable electronic devices for interpreting articles and developed interactive computer programs for inviting audiences’ active discovery learning. Recently, Buffington (2008) and Lopez, Daneau, Rosoff, and Cogdon (2008) indicated that distance learning and virtual exhibitions through museum websites, podcasts, and electronic networking are becoming more common.
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