The Teaching Assistants’ Community of Practice Facilitates Undergraduate Online Learning in a Blended Course

Xiaojun Chen (Purdue University, USA), Jea H. Choi (Purdue University, USA), Ji Hyun Yu (Purdue University, USA), and Timothy Newby (Purdue University, USA)
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 112
EISBN13: 9781466626027|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1936-4.ch005
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This chapter describes a peer-led community of teaching assistants. The aim is to illustrate ways in which peer-led mentored training enables the creation of a teaching assistant community in which all actors are encouraged to contribute to the establishment of a body of knowledge and expertise about the effective use of technology for educational purposes. There is an expectation that instructors would be taking the lead in the use of technology, as well as establishing a body of knowledge and experience about the effective use of technology. Little scholarly research, however, has been conducted in either the training or support of faculty and graduate teaching assistants in their methods to teach within the online learning environment. The community of practice model supports this shift in roles and activities for teaching assistants and faculty by increasing peer-to-peer engagement and offering new opportunities to engage with experts and expert practice. Specifically, this chapter will illustrate these ideas by referencing one undergraduate blended course (combining online and face-to-face settings).
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