3D Technology in P12 Education: Cameras, Editing, and Apps

Karla Spencer (Morehead State University, USA), Lesia Lennex (Morehead State University, USA), and Emily Bodenlos (Morehead State University, USA)
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 230
EISBN13: 9781466642942|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2815-1.ch009
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3D technology has progressed dramatically. The compelling question driving this research was, “Will 3D technology really benefit students?” After much of the research was completed, both in discovering the various technologies available, and the testing of equipment obtained, some new ideas have come about to answer this question. It has become a tool used by many industries, from television to business. Recently, 3D technology has become increasingly popular in the field of education. New 3D education technology has been developed to assist students with learning. With more 3D technology available than ever before, teachers are able to help their students visualize content in new ways. The history of 3D traces from the mid-1800s to the present movie-based and visually based technologies. The visually based technologies utilizing either DLP enabled projectors and/or 3D computer programs have become the most common of graphically enhanced materials for P-12 schools. Teachers have also begun construction of some of their own 3D materials using either movies or still photos. While the technology is relatively recent, the advances to enable uses in the classroom have brought 3D to a viable place in the schools. This chapter provides a brief history of 3D technology, research of a teacher-friendly 3D camera (Aiptek), and a free 3D construction program, Google SketchUp.
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