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International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering (IJEOE)
Open Access Journal
Clarivate Impact Factor 0.7

International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering (IJEOE)

This journal converted to Gold Open Access on January 1, 2022
Editors-in-Chief: Jose Marmolejo-Saucedo (National Autonomous University of Mexico), Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber (Poznań University of Technology, Poland), Pandian Vasant (Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam)
Indexed In: INSPEC, Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) and 13 more indices
Published: Continuous Volume |Established: 2012
ISSN: 2160-9500|EISSN: 2160-9543|DOI: 10.4018/IJEOE
Latest Published Articles
Published: Nov 4, 2022
DOI: 10.4018/IJEOE.309416
Volume 11
Nuno Domingues, Jorge Mendonça Costa, Rui Miguel Paulo
Over the years, and despite the energy efficiency measures and possibilities, there has been an increase in energy consumption worldwide. However, the resources and primary energies are limited and... Show More
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Domingues, Nuno, et al. "Technical-Economic Feasibility Study of a Tri-Generation System in an Isolated Tropical Island." vol.11, no.2 2022: pp.1-26.


Domingues, N., Costa, J. M., & Paulo, R. M. (2022). Technical-Economic Feasibility Study of a Tri-Generation System in an Isolated Tropical Island. , 11(2), 1-26.


Domingues, Nuno, Jorge Mendonça Costa, and Rui Miguel Paulo. "Technical-Economic Feasibility Study of a Tri-Generation System in an Isolated Tropical Island," 11, no.2: 1-26.

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Published: Nov 3, 2022
DOI: 10.4018/IJEOE.309418
Volume 11
Shiva Pujan Jaiswal, Ibrahim Abdulhamid Datti, Mustapha Muhammad Saidu, K. Jayachitra Chitra
The major aim of DG optimal placement is obtaining the best DGs units sizes and locations so as to have optimum operation and planning of the distribution network system while considering DG... Show More
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Jaiswal, Shiva Pujan, et al. "Optimal Placement of Micro Distribution Generator in Micro-Grid for Loss Minimization Using PSO." vol.11, no.2 2022: pp.1-19.


Jaiswal, S. P., Datti, I. A., Saidu, M. M., & Chitra, K. J. (2022). Optimal Placement of Micro Distribution Generator in Micro-Grid for Loss Minimization Using PSO. , 11(2), 1-19.


Jaiswal, Shiva Pujan, et al. "Optimal Placement of Micro Distribution Generator in Micro-Grid for Loss Minimization Using PSO," 11, no.2: 1-19.

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Published: Oct 14, 2022
DOI: 10.4018/IJEOE.309417
Volume 11
Abdelouadoud Loukriz, Djamel Saigaa, Abdelhammid Kherbachi, Mustapha Koriker, Ahmed Bendib, Mahmoud Drif
To ensure the safe and stable operation of solar photovoltaic system-based power systems, it is essential to predict the PV module output performance under varying operating conditions. In this... Show More
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Loukriz, Abdelouadoud, et al. "Prediction of Photovoltaic Panels Output Performance Using Artificial Neural Network." vol.11, no.2 2022: pp.1-19.


Loukriz, A., Saigaa, D., Kherbachi, A., Koriker, M., Bendib, A., & Drif, M. (2022). Prediction of Photovoltaic Panels Output Performance Using Artificial Neural Network. , 11(2), 1-19.


Loukriz, Abdelouadoud, et al. "Prediction of Photovoltaic Panels Output Performance Using Artificial Neural Network," 11, no.2: 1-19.

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Description, Mission, Scope & Coverage
The International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering (IJEOE) publishes global research in the areas of energy optimization and engineering. This journal provides relevant theoretical frameworks and the latest empirical research findings in the areas of energy systems and hybrid... Show More
Mission & Scope:
The goal of the International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering (IJEOE) is to bring together researchers working on the development of innovative and novel original techniques and methodologies to improve the performance of current energy related real world practical problems with modern artificial computational intelligent techniques.  Research areas, including engineering... Show More
  • Ant colony optimization
  • Artificial bee colony
  • Artificial immune systems
  • Artificial Neural Networks
  • Automatic computing
  • Bacterial Foraging
  • Bioenergy
  • Biological computing
  • Chaos optimization
  • Cloud Computing
  • Combinatorial Optimization
  • Computational Intelligence
  • Continuous optimization
  • Cultural algorithms
  • Differential Evolution
  • Direct search
  • Distributed Generation
  • Energy Economics
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Energy efficiency for improving electricity production
  • Energy fuel procurement chain approaches
  • Energy fuel supply chain approaches
  • Energy Storage
  • Evolutionary Computing
  • Fuzzy Logic
  • Genetic Algorithms
  • Granular Computing
  • Hybrid Algorithms
  • Innovative approaches for renewable supply chain engineering
  • Integrated energy systems
  • Intelligent computing
  • Life cycle assessment of energy systems
  • Local and global search
  • Memetic algorithms
  • Meta-heuristic methods
  • Micro-grids and optimal management
  • Natural Computing
  • Ocean thermal energy
  • Oil and gas industrial production systems
  • Optimization of technology and engineering rates of renewable energy fuels
  • Particle Swarm Optimization
  • Pattern search
  • Production of biogas
  • Renewable biofuel plants
  • Renewable Energy Systems
  • Simulated Annealing
  • Simulation and Modeling
  • Soft Computing Techniques
  • Solar and geothermal
  • Support Vector Machines
  • Sustainability of energy systems
  • Swarm Intelligence
  • Tabu search
  • Variable neighborhood search
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Submission-Related Inquiries
All inquiries regarding IJEOE should be directed to the attention of:
Dr. Pandian Vasant

Jose Antonio Marmolejo Saucedo

Gerard-Wilhelm Weber

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The International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering (IJEOE) is owned and published by IGI Global.

International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering (IJEOE) is editorially independent, with full authority of the journal's content falling to the Editor-in-Chief and the journal's Editorial Board.

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IGI Global
701 East Chocolate Avenue
Hershey, PA 17033

Principal Contact
Grace Long
Managing Editor of Journal Development
IGI Global
Phone: (717) 533-8845 ext. 147

Support Contact
Marissa Massare
Development Editor - International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering (IJEOE)
IGI Global
Phone: 717-533-8845