Ecem Erkol

Ecem Erkol , M.A., is a Ph.D. student at Işık University in Clinical Psychology with an adult focus and a Research Assistant in the Psychology program at Sabancı University. She received her M.A at Maltepe University and completed her clinical internship at The Research and Application Center for Children Living and Working on the Streets (SOYAÇ). Her research interests include the impacts of childhood trauma on adult psychopathology and emotion regulation skills, resulting in maladaptive behaviors (i.e., smoking, drinking, etc.), and also psychotherapy research.


Clinical Psychology Master Trainees' Perspectives on Community-Based SL Experiences
Ecem Erkol, H. Özden Bademci, Stevie N. Grassetti. © 2023. 23 pages.
Community-based service learning (SL) opportunities that ground experiences as a primary basis of learning can help psychology trainees work toward these competencies while...