Communication With the Social Environment in Multiplayer Online Games: The Turkey Case

Communication With the Social Environment in Multiplayer Online Games: The Turkey Case

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/IJGBL.330755
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The process of massive multiplayer online gamers and their social environment is analyzed in this context. Video games offer a platform for players to develop essential social and emotional skills with online gamers, such as predicting behaviors, providing support, and building relationships. Gaming serves as a communication channel, and games played in groups promote increased socialization instead of isolating individuals. Supporting each other during gameplay strengthens friendships, and MMOs ensure that ties with old friends are not broken. Multiplayer games can help players form lasting social connections and memories by fostering a positive and enjoyable gaming experience. Through shared experiences, players can form close bonds and support each other in difficult situations. Online gaming enables individuals who have never met face-to-face to establish strong and meaningful friendships. Players may be meticulous when recruiting people to their group to ensure that they are skilled, friendly, trustworthy, and will enhance their gaming experience.
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Research Focus: Turkey And Mmo

Over 3 billion people worldwide reported to be engaged in gaming activities in 2021 (Statista, 2021). It is estimated that approximately half of computer owners use their devices for gaming purposes. In Turkey specifically, the gaming industry has experienced substantial growth, with the number of gamers increasing from 36 million in 2020 to 41 million in 2021, making it one of the largest gaming markets globally (Turkish Gaming Industry Report, 2021).

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