Pre-Service Teachers Designing Virtual World Learning Environments

Pre-Service Teachers Designing Virtual World Learning Environments

Lisa Jacka, Kate Booth
DOI: 10.4018/jvple.2012100102
(Individual Articles)
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Integrating Information Technology Communications in the classroom has been an important part of pre-service teacher education for over a decade. The advent of virtual worlds provides the pre-service teacher with an opportunity to study teaching and learning in a highly immersive 3D computer based environment. Virtual worlds also provide a place in which pre-service teachers can design teaching and learning environments for their future students. The virtual world teaching and learning environments that pre-service teachers design can, in turn, inform established educators about how virtual world spaces can be well designed and contribute to research in the field of education in virtual worlds. The voice of one pre-service teacher and her tutor is presented as they discuss the design of a virtual world maths teaching and learning environment.
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Information Communication Technology (ICTs) literacy has been an important professional competency for teachers for over a decade (Kirschner & Davis, 2003; Steketee, 2005). As such pre-service teacher programs have proceeded to mandate the use of ICTs as a core skill in line with the development of national and state based curriculum standards of ICT integration (ACARA, 2012; Department of Education, 2012). The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority outlines the importance of ICTs thus:

Increasingly, ICT permeates every area of our society and lives. Students need to be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to use ICT to support contemporary learning and living. ICT affords the opportunities to personalise learning and to learn both within and out of school. (ACARA, 2012)

Despite the integration of ICT specific courses in teacher education programs, pre-service teachers and teachers still report that they feel ill equipped to implement ICTs effectively (Gill & Dalgarno, 2008). With the exponential increase in the use of ICTs in students’ personal lives through mobile and social networking technology, the need for pre-service teachers and teachers to be comfortable with and confident in integrating ICTs is ever more pressing. The types of ICTs that teachers are required to integrate into their teaching needs to move beyond word processing and spreadsheets as highlighted in the announcement by the UK Education Secretary Michael Gove that he was “scrapping the existing ICT curriculum” so that “Instead of children bored out of their minds being taught how to use Word and Excel by bored teachers, we could have 11-year-olds able to write simple 2D computer animations using an MIT tool called Scratch”(Gove, 2012).

Virtual worlds (VWs) fit firmly in the category of new ICTs that are being used by children. Ten to fifteen year olds are the highest growing sector of VW users with 787million registered accounts at the end of 2011 (KZero, 2012). VWs are an evolving ICT that provide a computer based 3D simulated environment in which participants can interact with objects, their surroundings and each other using both asynchronous and synchronous communication media. There are currently 2 billion registered user accounts with over 200 VWs being used for education, gaming, socialising, medical, entertainment, and creative pursuits. Over the last decade interest and use of VWs in higher education has increased as evident in the research literature (Kirriemuir, 2008; Messinger, Stroulia, & Lyons, 2008; Moschini, 2010; Warburton, 2009). Savin-Baden (2011) proposes that VWs are useful in higher education because:

  • 1.

    Experimentation can occur in ways that are not possible in real life;

  • 2.

    Online and distance education offers opportunity to develop communities, create trust and increase the sense of presence in learning;

  • 3.

    It offers an opportunity to play with roles and identity; and

  • 4.

    Activities tend not to have real life consequences (e.g., gender swapping or flying into buildings) (p. 7).

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