Advancing IoT Security Posture K-Means Clustering for Malware Detection

Advancing IoT Security Posture K-Means Clustering for Malware Detection

Ali Dayoub, Marwan Omar
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1906-2.ch012
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The ever-expanding internet of things (IoT) ecosystem has brought with it new challenges in terms of security and malware detection. In this chapter, the authors introduce a novel approach to IoT malware detection using K-means clustering. They present comprehensive results and analysis demonstrating the effectiveness of the approach compared to traditional mobile-net IoT and image-net IoT methods. The approach achieves superior precision, recall, and overall performance, while maintaining a low false positive rate. This research provides valuable insights into the potential of K-means clustering in IoT security and sets the stage for further research in this critical domain.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) has become an integral component of modern life, impacting various sectors including healthcare, agriculture, smart cities, and home automation. As per Statista (2022), the number of IoT devices worldwide is projected to surpass 25.4 billion by 2030, thereby magnifying the potential attack surfaces for malicious entities. IoT devices are particularly vulnerable due to their often-limited security capabilities and the vast amount of sensitive data they collect and transmit (Mehta & Pandit, 2023). This vulnerability is exacerbated by the proliferation of IoT malware, which can not only compromise the privacy and security of individuals but also potentially impact the infrastructure of the internet on a macro scale (O'Malley & Choo, 2022).

The detection of malware in IoT devices poses unique challenges due to the diversity and volume of devices and data. Traditional Mobile-net IoT detection methods are increasingly insufficient, as they fail to keep pace with the rapidly evolving landscape of malware threats (Smith & Doffman, 2023). Moreover, the limited processing power and energy resources of many IoT devices preclude the use of complex, real-time detection algorithms (Lopez & Patel, 2023).

Given these challenges, machine learning techniques have been explored as a means to enhance the detection of IoT malware. Among various algorithms, K-Means clustering has emerged as a popular unsupervised learning technique due to its simplicity and efficacy in identifying patterns within data (Khan & Zhang, 2023). Clustering algorithms like K-Means can be used to segregate data into groups based on similarity, which in the context of IoT security, may help in distinguishing between normal and malicious network traffic or device behavior (Hughes & Sicker, 2023).

Recent studies have leveraged K-Means clustering for anomaly detection, a task that entails identifying unusual patterns that do not conform to expected behavior (Nguyen & Tran, 2022). In the realm of IoT, such anomalies may be indicative of malware. By analyzing network traffic data and device behavior, K-Means can potentially cluster anomalous behavior separately from normal operations, thus serving as a basis for identifying and flagging potential security threats (Jain & Sharma, 2023).

However, the application of K-Means to IoT malware detection is not without its limitations. The choice of appropriate feature sets, determination of the optimal number of clusters, and the dynamic nature of IoT environments present considerable challenges to the effectiveness of the algorithm (Garcia & Lewis, 2023). Moreover, the lack of labeled datasets for IoT malware makes it difficult to evaluate the performance of unsupervised learning techniques such as K-Means (Park & Cho, 2023).

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