Are ICT Non-Users Absolute Non-Users?: Segregation of “Potential ICT Users” From the Non-Users' Profile

Are ICT Non-Users Absolute Non-Users?: Segregation of “Potential ICT Users” From the Non-Users' Profile

Nimmy Maria Joseph, P. E. Thomas
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7844-5.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
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The level of ICT usage is one of the criteria to measure rural development. Nevertheless, the increasing presence of the “digital divide” indicates that there are setbacks in accomplishing this progress. A deeper understanding about the categorization of users and non-users of technologies is needed as there is an implicit element called ‘potential users' among the non-user category that decides level of ICT usage among people. But the fact is that all are not using the technologies in an equal proportion. The variation is based on different reasons. However, there are people who are interested in ICTs and are unable to explore it. This chapter discusses the categorization of ICT users and non-users and the barriers of potential users for technology use. Thus, measures for transforming potential users to innovators are described. Guiding potential users in handling ICTs may pave the way to enhancing the digital enrichment of rural people. The need for digital freedom is found to be the basic requirement of potential users.
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3. Categorization Of Ict Users And Non-Users

Cataloguing of ICT users and non-users diverge according to the researchers, sample, context and geography. Verdegem and Verhoest (2009) categorised non-users based on ASA (Access, Skills, Attitude) profile. This profiling enables categories such as the 'incapable refusers' (people who are unaffected by external issues like cost, access etc., but lack the skill to master ICT and have a rather negative attitude towards it), the 'self-conscious indifferent' (those who have skills to master ICT but are disinterested), the 'willing but incapable' (people who are willing to use but they lack necessary skills and access), the ‘skilled ICT lovers with limited access’ (people who have a positive attitude towards ICT as well as those who are ICT literates but lack access mainly at home), and the 'price-sensitive pragmatists' (people who are moderately skilled and motivated but deterred by the cost of equipment and infrastructure). Three more additional profiles are valid for ASA profiling such as 'ICT under-skilled', 'rejectionists/refusniks' and 'economically less-favoured'.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Digital Divide: The gap between people who have and do not have the environment to use ICTs.

ASA Profiling: Attitude Skill Access profiling is used to differentiate ICT users and non-users.

ICT: Information Communication and Technology, mainly smart phones, laptops, desktops, iPad, and online medium.

Exosystem: Indirect environment where the subject may not be present but has it impact on that subject (parent’s work, media, social connections, etc.).

Environment: The overall socio-economic, psychological, and economic systems around and individual as mentioned by Urie Bronfenbrenner.

Mesosystem: It is the environment where all the elements in the microsystem are interlinked to each other (e.g., communication between family and school, etc.).

Chronosystem: It consists of patterning of environmental events and shifts over life course. A sudden incident in life that completely changes the life pattern of an individual.

SCA: Sen’s Capability Approach explains the expansion of one’s capabilities to attaining a life which one aspires for.

Digital Freedom: Freedom to use technologies without any environmental barriers.

EE: Entertainment education is the process of providing education with an essence of entertainment.

Microsystem: The fundamental and closest environment of an person where the influence of the environment directly affects him/her with a high impact (e.g., Parents, Family members, school, etc.).

Macrosystem: It describes the culture and subculture of a society where the characteristics, beliefs, attitude, bodies of knowledge, lifestyle, etc. are determined.

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