Development of Computer Games by Students

Development of Computer Games by Students

Chulpan Minnegalieva
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4287-6.ch011
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People have a different attitude towards computer games – from their complete rejection to delight. However, representatives of different professions agree that computer games can and should be used with benefit. This chapter describes practical tasks related to developing computer games in students' education. Tasks of that type are offered to students studying information technology. Game development uses modern platforms that provide ample opportunities. Students develop 3D models, write scripts, and research interaction principles between different applications. Such tasks will help protect the younger generation from misuse of computer games, improve programming and modeling skills, and develop spatial thinking and creativity.
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Gamification today covers more and more areas of public life and is being explored by various experts. For example, O. Pedreira and colleagues examined the application of gamification in software development (Pedreira et al., 2020). J. Wozniak analyzes the problems of gamification in reward systems (Wozniak, 2020). Experts note that gamified approaches create a space for inspiration (Patricio et al., 2018). Also, R. Patricio et al. believe that gamification enhances co-creation by providing a structured peer-to-peer approach that ensures close interaction between different participants (Patricio et al., 2020). When using gamification approaches in teaching, teachers note that student engagement increases in all categories: from junior school children to adults. Fun (interest) had a significant and positive indirect effect on perceived learning through young students’ attitudes towards coding (Tizsa and Markopoulos, 2021). By thoroughly utilizing gamification, teachers could direct their classroom activity towards success in raising engagement and achievement (Stott and Neustaedter, 2013). Sergi Villagrasa and his colleagues found that students who study 3D using gamification techniques perform better (Villagrasa et al., 2014). Gamification applications are effective in developing positive student behavior. Students and parents had positive views of the gamification applications (Hursen and Bas, 2019). Of course, gamification is not only beneficial. Toda A.M. and colleagues identified four negative effects: Indifference, Loss of performance, Undesired behavior, and Declining effects (Toda et al., 2017).

When introducing gamification in education, teachers use approaches typical for games, including computer games. Game techniques and mechanisms can be implemented in the learning process by activities aimed at achieving specific educational goals, increasing student motivation, and involving students in a friendly competitive environment (Kiryakova et al., 2014). Game training has deep historical roots. Games have been used in schools long before the advent of computers. Carers especially effectively utilize this method for preschoolers and primary school teachers. A game teaches, develops, educates, and socializes. A computer game can be viewed as a development of an ordinary game. Of course, there is a fundamental difference – in a computer game, a child communicates with virtual talkers or rivals. Or communication can be with friends but through the network. Even when children participating in an online game are in the same room, they rarely speak directly to each other.

But a computer game has other advantages – it has more opportunities for modeling the environment and developing an interesting dynamic algorithm. For example, Maskeliūnas et al. (2020) authors describe a serious interactive game for teaching JavaScript programming. The game encourages interactivity and pursues deeper learning of programming concepts. Educational computer games have a positive impact as a pedagogic tool on the educational process. At the same time, experts note that games with highly integrated educational content perform better than those games with loosely integrated content (Mostafa and Faragallah, 2019).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Unity: A cross-platform computer game development environment.

Educational Computer Game: Software that teaches the user in a game mode.

Computer Game Development: The process of developing a computer game.

Rigidbody (Unity Component): Rigidbodies enable GameObjects to act under the control of physics. The Rigidbody can receive forces and torque to make objects move realistically. Any GameObject must contain a Rigidbody to be influenced by gravity, act under added pressures via scripting, or interact with other objects through the NVIDIA PhysX physics engine.

Colliders (Unity Component): Collider components define the shape of a GameObject for physical collisions. An invisible collider must not be the same shape as the GameObject’s mesh.

C#: An object-oriented programming language.

Scene (Unity Component): Scenes contain the environments and menus of the game. In each Scene, the programmer place environments, obstacles, and decorations, essentially designing and building the game in pieces.

GameObject (Unity component): GameObjects are the fundamental objects in Unity that represent characters, props, and scenery. They do not accomplish much in themselves, but they act as containers for Components that implement the functionality.

AR (Augmented Reality): The result of introducing any sensory data into the visual field to supplement information and change the perception of the environment.

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