Globalized Physical Education Teaching Proposal for Five-Year-Olds Knowing the World Pirate

Globalized Physical Education Teaching Proposal for Five-Year-Olds Knowing the World Pirate

Encarnación Cambronero Gómez, Aurora Peinado Requena, Belén Navarro Carretero
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7585-7.ch018
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This chapter presents a didactic and globalized proposal for the area of physical education in early childhood education. The purpose of this intervention is that the children develop holistically through play and movement the basic motor skills while they are immersed in the knowledge of the pirate world. To achieve the objectives, an active and participatory methodology is proposed with age-appropriate material resources. Play and the motor story are the main resources that are going to be used to achieve the didactic objectives. Keywords: motor skills, autonomy, competencies, movement, play, children, motor story.
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The stage of early childhood education has a great relevance and significance for the comprehensive and harmonious development of children. It constitutes a stage with its own identity, as reflected in the order ECI / 3960/2007 which established the curriculum and the organization of early childhood education in Spain, giving great importance to physical, emotional and social development.

In the school environment, physical education plays a fundamental role in the acquisition of motor skills. Piaget (1936) states that through bodily activity the child learns, thinks and faces his problems. Through movement and action, children have a natural interest in experimenting, manipulating and exploring the space around them. This acquires a true meaning when they do it for themselves, they live it, they experience it, becoming the protagonists of their own learning. For this reason, play and the motor story are resources that become very important in the implementation of physical education classes in early childhood education.

On the one hand, it can be said that play is not simply an educational resource, but that today it has become an educational objective in itself, set out in Decree 67/2007 of May 29, Castilla la Mancha, point b “observe and explore the world around them through play and action ”.

Play develops the imagination and creativity of children. Through play the child understands how the world around him is like. The children rehearse social behaviors and assume roles, learn rules and regulate their behavior, express their thoughts, discharge their impulses and emotions, and above all satisfy their fantasies.

Teachers should take advantage of the playful nature that games offer to make physical education classes more motivating, meaningful and fun. So leading to the achievement of educational objectives.

On the other hand, Ruiz Omeñaca (2011) defines the motor story as:

A short narrative with a simple storyline, which refers us to an imaginary scenario in which the characters develop in a context of challenge and adventure, in order to overcome challenges with which children can feel identified. From the story come proposals in which the students participate, emulating characters, from the motor action endowed with meaning and experience from the personal distinctiveness.

Considering these characteristics of the motor story, it can be affirmed that its purpose is to contribute to the physical, intellectual, affective, social and moral development of children.

According to (Conde Caveda, 1995) the motor story aims to make the child the protagonist, develop basic and generic perceptual skills and develop the physical qualities and creative capacity of the child.


Case Description

This didactic proposal is aimed at 5-year-old students and will last approximately one month. It consists of 4 sessions in which each week will be implemented a session of 50 minutes. The proposal is based on the format and development of a unit of work inspired by the pirate world with the intention of creating a learning environment to work on physical education in childhood.

The structure of the sessions to work on the didactic unit are grouped according to the phase in which it will be developed:

Key Terms in this Chapter

Play: It is any activity that is carried out with the purpose of having fun and enjoying.

Children: Main agents of the teaching-learning process.

Autonomy: Capacity that guides the children toward their independence, the ability to act and think for themselves.

Movement: It is a change of position or location in the space. Through movement the children know the world that surrounds them.

Motor Skills: Ability, acquired by learning, that allow the domain and control of the own body.

Competencies: Combinations of attitudes, skills, and knowledge that children develop and apply for successful learning, living, and working.

Motor Story: The motor story is a variant of a spoken story. It is a kind of represented story, a played story, in which there is a narrator and a group of students who represent what the narrator says.

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