Inclusive Education in the University: Contributions to the Academic Digital Brand and the University Reputation

Inclusive Education in the University: Contributions to the Academic Digital Brand and the University Reputation

Marylin Figueroa Cruz, Gretel Vázquez Zubizarreta, Ivette Méndez Forns, María Jackeline Langarano Delá, Carlos Andres Loyola Romero
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4930-8.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
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The attention to special educational needs (SEN), in and from the university context, promotes the inclusion in all areas of life, the development of a fair and equitable society, and the functions of the university fulfillment as a radiator of influences in the national and foreign environment. Based on this premise, three experiences from different universities that applied technological possibilities in the visibility, awareness, intervention, and satisfaction of SEN are presented in the chapter. It also examines how these practices have benefited the functions achievement of these higher education institutions, the development of the academic digital brand, and university positioning.
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The academic digital brand, according to Del Pino & Lloret (2018), is a visual identity construction of an organization, in this case the university. This digital brand has a representative and recognition function and has been enriched with the use of digital technology and networks. Having a digital identity demands certain visibility from the university's positioning, a positive recognition or reputation and also privacy and self-determination in the networks.

Del Pino (2018) determines some of the factors that condition the academic digital brand in the university. These are, according to the author: seniority of the center, awards and recognitions received, both from the institution and its professionals, the use of academic Google and the generation of trends in it, using tools to perform monitoring that express the University website performance, the number of articles in indexed journals, in databases such as ISI WoK and Scopus, the use of personal, academic and professional social networks to spread information, the university ranking, the existence of applications that make viable University services, the generation of trends and use of educational environments, classrooms and virtual reality.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Multiple Disability: Combination of restrictions of various kinds that suppose a condition of development in the person with multiple needs.

Inclusive Culture: Process and result of the articulation and application of knowledge, skills and values related to the satisfaction of people's needs and stimulation of their potential to achieve maximum educational, labor, social inclusion, etc.

Academic Reputation: Social recognition that the university has in its academic work based on the actions it performs and socializes, and for which it is identified in a given context. Currently it is essential that this socialization is done using networks and digital technology.

Supports and Aids: Strategies and resources that are planned in order to promote the development of the person in an integral way.

Disability: A condition of development that implies certain restrictions in the activity, communication and relationships of people with the surrounding context.

Inclusion: Policy and practice that in the field of human life implies socialization and respectful, peaceful, fair coexistence, with well-being and happiness of all human beings in a context of equity.

Preprofessional Practices: Higher education subject that contributes to the development of competencies for the solution of problems identified in the possible labor scenarios of the student. It constitutes an integrating and structuring axis of the subjects of the career.

Substantive Functions of the University: Institutional capacity to perform tasks and actions related to academia, research, and social management in a synergistic way.

Special Educational Needs: Educational demands that require the creation, structuring, application, and evaluation of supports and aids that guarantee the development of the person based on their potential.

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