Knowledge Between Scientific Method and Ritualistic Paradigms

Knowledge Between Scientific Method and Ritualistic Paradigms

Mihai Burlacu
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1427-6.ch012
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Knowledge is one of most important terms of philosophy and theology, not for its theoretical value but for its ontological value. Often, knowledge is linked by sciences, and this creates a paradigm for modern thinking. Man calls scientific only that things that touch an empirical condition, and he calls knowledge only what science can confirm. But truth is a universal value that exceeds scientific mode of knowledge, and it is not reducible. Because a thing in itself cannot be known, another mode knowledge is that of revelation, where things have no particular values conferred by human mind and subjectivity, such as universal and absolute value conferred by God in rapport with His creation. So, authentic knowledge is that inspired, where things have absolute value, and that is manifested through His Revelation. Man can receive and grasp this absolutely perspective through ritualistic acts, which develop a personal communion between him and God. That knowledge doesn't have scientific rigors, but it is most deeply creating a new ontological paradigm.
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1. The Perspective of Scientific Knowledge

Every scientific method has a logical base, and there is no system of deduction without primary logic, because it is an act of the human mind, as well as of consciousness. From this point, methods are logical ways of learning and assimilate a fragmentary part of the reality which is developed as a domain. From phenomenal views, the method is an act of seeing the reality in its own phenomenal paradigm or in the closest form to that. The methods of sciences ascend to primary knowledge of truth, where in husserlian acceptance, truth is the genuine perception of essences. The essences of things constitute a primary reality and finality of knowledge fact. In the Aristotelian language (Metaphysics, 2001), that knowledge is defined as participation of the subjective minds to the essences of things, meanly in their ontic fact. Because that performance is not possible for the human being, who may not know reality in one saturate kind, and for whom truth remains incompletely known. The human reality and sense of that are not exact, but approximate. That incomplete knowledge means it is not possible to achieve an absolute learning, even one in this logical meaning. Also, if logic pretends to claim reality, one cannot be sure that logic is a proper form of knowledge, despite the fact that logic relies largely on methods. Logics are widely developed in knowledge and all sciences confirm them as one of the most important criterion to realize the truth. But in that context, if the human mind cannot seize the essence of things in their own beings, then it is not possible to know the entire reality as a logic system of all perceived things either. However, all human knowledge reveals a false reality, nor that reality is impossible for humankind. Reality remains in a paradoxical transcendence despite the fact that it can be known incompletely by human mind. Thus, reality is known only approximately, with a more or less extensive gap between the mind’s subjective world and the essence of things in the objective world.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Image: Theological term referring to fact man is similar to God.

Scientific Knowledge: Peculiar form of systematic knowledge in which act of knowing is based on empirical observation and natural laws of causality.

Uncreated Energies: Theological term referring to works of God. This term is peculiar to Eastern Orthodox Cristian spirituality and it is spread by St. Gregory Palamas in XIV Century. According to him, works of God are uncreated because are direct manifestations of God, and He is uncreated.

Theonomy: View about reality in which entire World and meaning of human being with his accomplish are absolutely founded on God’s presence, will and His work.

Iconoclast Controversy: Historical and theological controversy in Middle Byzantine Empire concerning to inclusion or not in chapels, theology or ritual, Icons of Jesus Christ, His Mother and His Saints.

Mystagogy: Domain and method of Knowledge in which World is seen from His mystical perspective.

Uncreated Light: Mystical form in which man can perceive truly God inside of theophany phenomena. Most of theophanies visions reported sight of God as inexplicable light more powerful than every common sources of light.

Prototype: Theological term which designed pattern of man or something. For example: Word of God is prototype of Creation.

Autonomy: View about reality in which man is seen as absolute and exclusively principle of existence.

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