Learning Object Evaluation

Learning Object Evaluation

Erla M. Morales, Francisco J. García, Ángela Barrón
Copyright: © 2008 |Pages: 8
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-885-7.ch106
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


One of the biggest challenges to knowledge management systems (KMS) is the great importance that many organizations have given to obtaining information rather than to its retrieval. As a result, users face the problem of having large quantities of information and many difficulties retrieving the information they really need. Through an e-learning repository we can find a myriad of content from academic research and contributions, but how to guarantee and manage their content’s quality?

Key Terms in this Chapter

E-Learning: The use of Internet technologies for learning activities to promote a wide display of solutions for improving knowledge and performance.

Knowledge Management System: Knowledge that must be used to improve learning into a teaching and learning process supported by a set of applications that is used to deliver courses to students.

Learning Objects Normalization: Adjust aggregation level of learning object to a specific structure for instructional design.

Quality Learning Objects: A property or group of properties inherent in a learning object, which aim to value them as equal, better or worst than other ones.

Learning Objects: A unit with a learning objective, together with digital and independent capabilities containing one or a few related ideas and accessible through metadata to be reused in different contexts and platforms.

Learning Objects Repository (LOR): Collections of learning objects that are accessible via Internet. They function like portals with a Web-based user interface, a search service and a catalogue for the resources contained.

Metadata: Coded information about a learning object that aims to describe and manage them in the learning object repository.

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