Optimization Techniques for Solar Energy System Design and Operation

Optimization Techniques for Solar Energy System Design and Operation

Prerna Tundwal, Vikramaditya Dave
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1638-2.ch016
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This chapter focuses on the application of optimization techniques in the design and operation of solar energy systems. Solar energy has emerged as a viable and sustainable alternative to traditional energy sources, and optimizing the performance of solar energy systems is crucial for maximizing energy production, improving system efficiency, and reducing costs. Various optimization methods and algorithms are explored in this chapter, including mathematical programming, evolutionary algorithms, and machine learning. The chapter highlights their advantages, challenges, and potential applications in solar energy system design and operation. Moreover, the application is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of these optimization techniques in improving the performance and economic viability of solar energy systems.
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Key Terms in this Chapter

Performance: Performance in a solar energy system refers to the efficiency, reliability, and output of the system. It includes metrics such as energy production, capacity factor, uptime, system reliability, and overall effectiveness in meeting energy demand and goals.

Economic Viability: Economic viability in solar energy system refers to the feasibility and profitability of implementing and operating solar energy projects, considering factors such as costs, returns, and financial sustainability.

Mathematical Programming: Mathematical programming in solar energy systems refers to the use of mathematical optimization techniques to model and solve problems related to system design, operation, resource allocation, and performance optimization.

Evolutionary Algorithm: Evolutionary algorithms are optimization techniques inspired by natural evolution. They can be applied in solar energy systems to optimize parameters and improve performance, such as solar panel placement or energy management strategies.

System Design: System design in a solar energy system involves the planning and configuration of components, such as solar panels, inverters, and energy storage, to optimize performance, efficiency, reliability, and integration with the grid or other energy systems.

Optimization Techniques: Optimization techniques in solar energy systems involve the use of mathematical models and algorithms to maximize energy production, minimize costs, optimize system design, scheduling, and resource allocation for improved efficiency and performance.

Machine Learning: Machine learning in solar energy systems involves using computational models and algorithms to analyze data and make predictions, optimize energy production, improve forecasting accuracy, and enhance system performance and efficiency.

Solar Energy Systems: Solar energy systems harness the power of sunlight to generate electricity or heat. They typically include solar panels, inverters, energy storage, and monitoring equipment to convert and utilize solar energy for various applications.

Operation: Operation in a solar energy system involves the management and control of components, such as solar panels, batteries, and inverters, to ensure efficient energy production, monitoring, maintenance, and grid integration.

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