Psycho-Aspects and Self-Determination on a Uniform Commonwealth Pedagogical Platform as a Scientific Category of Research Competence

Psycho-Aspects and Self-Determination on a Uniform Commonwealth Pedagogical Platform as a Scientific Category of Research Competence

Ashik Marandzhyan, Tyulikova Lana
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3485-3.ch012
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The most important national problem of each country (or a separate ethnos) is the problem of quality management of the people of the country (members of the ethnos). The success of solving this problem is realized through the creation of appropriate training programs that are implemented in the system of education and upbringing of the country. The tasks of vocational education systems include both the professional training of members of society and the enhancement of their culture of life, including spiritual and moral education. For the success of this most important problem of society, it is first and foremost necessary to create a Uniform Commonwealth Pedagogical Platform (UCPP) for creating vocational training programs in conjunction with the tasks of spiritual and moral upbringing.
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The transition of society to innovative social-oriented type of development in the context of building of model of open economy and the creation of a new mechanism of social development are updated by the scientific and theoretical and practical problems associated with the modernization of the activities of major social institutions.

The modernization of the education system, based on ensuring of its transparency, design system and the information richness, makes it necessary to study the problem of self-identity, in particular, the problem of professional self-determination. The transition to a market economy requires the willingness of the person to be competitive, which implies adaptability, determination, self-development, self-determination (Mkrttchian & Aleshina, 2017).

Formation of competitive personality with willingness to self-determination, is provided by a set of innovative technologies of interaction of participants of pedagogical process.

Self-determination as a process of self-selection of a person of his career, goals, values, moral norms, future profession and the living conditions of human life is a necessary condition for determining the quality of his personal and professional maturity. The category of “self-determination” is explored in the context of different scientific approaches and schools. In the philosophy of self-determination, it was seen as a value-semantic perception of life that allows the individual to recognize the intrinsic value of committed action and define its position in the process of joining the society culture.

The common point of the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical analysis of the “self-determination” category is the disclosure of various aspects of its value-semantic content. The main differences are manifested in the performance leveled the concept of “self-determination”.

The category of “self-determination” came from German into Russian language, like many other philosophical concepts, at a time when neither psychology nor political science have not separated themselves from the philosophy in self-discipline. This allowed conceptually consider the individual occurrences of the problem into a set of existing socio-economic relations.

In philosophy, the category of “self-determination” is interpreted as a self-appointed - it is the concept of ethics, which expresses an active attitude to the situation, unselfishness and even the risk, as its aim is to protect the ethical values from the threats. Integrity the problem of the self-determination is not presented in any philosophical system, but the personality traits that make up its essence, are considered. Noteworthy that self-determination is often identified with the action in the philosophical literature: the identity of its action is based on the fact that it allows to prove its existence; by finding the meaning of life takes on a life of its supra situational integrity.

The term “self-determination” has emerged as the concept of ethics, concepts of opposite conservatism, “the inertia of the heart.” Self-determination is an active attitude to the situation, and even disinterested associated with risk, since it is aimed at protecting the ethical values on which they are threatened, and was seen as a mechanism for gaining personal freedom.

In the XIX century, scientists started to think of the relationship between internal and external determinants of the life and behavior of the person and the essence of self-determination becomes dual: on the one hand self-determination - is a natural and social restraint, on the other hand - is not only an alternative choice, but also the acquisition of new capabilities.

The significance of the external determination complemented by the necessity to be responsible for the choice and the center of regulation of life and the behavior of the person transfers to the interior.

In XX century, self-determination is seen as a solution of problem of ratio of belt responsibility and autonomy, personal freedom. It denies the importance of environment and heredity in self-determination. The essence of self-determination is associated with the choice of his career. The choice is determined by the position of the human personality: purposes, attitude to the world, to people, to you. The result of the selection becomes an act, the act is an impetus to action and as a result to the self-determination rights (Mkrttchian, 2012).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Online and Blended Learning of Adults: Learners are adults, and training is carried out continuously throughout life. The purpose of adult education is closely associated with certain socio-psychological, occupational, household, personal problems, or factors or conditions with sufficiently clear ideas about further application of acquired knowledge, skills and qualities.

Functional Modeling Software Platform: Specification software designed to be used modeling of the risk management process of Enterprise Resource Planning on lab Multi-Cloud Platform has allowed us to solve the problem of compliance, as well as to identify modern and future issues, concepts, trends and solutions IS&T throughout the software life cycle.

Moderator Avatar: Personalized graphic file or rendering that represents a computer user used to represent moderator in an online environment.

Teacher Avatar: Personalized graphic file or rendering that represents a computer user used to represent moderator in an online environment.

Determination of Equivalent Control: The system motion along the sliding surface can be interpreted as an average of the system’s dynamics on both sides of the sliding surface.

Didactic Method: A teaching method that follows a consistent scientific approach or educational style to engage the student’s mind.

Student Avatar: Personalized graphic file or rendering that represents a computer user used to represent student in an online environment.

Multimedia Online Teaching: Recently been revolutionized by the recent development in information and communication technologies.

Indicator of Sliding Mode: The software for control virtual research space, maintain it sliding mode.

Virtual Assistant: Special soft program creating in HHH University for training.

Information System: A system composed of people and computers that processes or interprets information.

Chattering: It is results in chattering, an undesirable phenomenon of applying SMC, where high frequency switching is applied to the system during the sliding phase.

Studying and Training in Joint Activities: Organizational aspects for training.

Discontinuous Control: It this brings the discontinuity to the control, and the whole nonlinear system.

Researcher Avatar: Personalized graphic file or rendering that represents a computer user used to represent researcher in an online environment.

Learning Goals and Objectives: Joint pedagogical aspects.

Education Technology: Technical, biological and engineering systems for Education whose components are combined, controlled and generated using the aligned single processing core.

Feedback Control: Control System in DE.

Online Multi-Cloud Platform Lab: Laboratory on the Internet, which is available on the multi cloud platform and intended for research, training and development of forecasting.

Sliding Mode Control (SMC): Control algorithm for adjustment of learning tasks.

Students with Disabilities: Particular ensuring access to higher education for people with disabilities.

Construction of Equivalent Control Action: The system motion along the sliding surface can be interpreted as an average of the system’s dynamics on both sides of the sliding surface.

Learning Environment: Combination of various educational technologies (including at least one communication module).

Second – Order Sliding Mode (SOSM): Order reduction phenomenon was reviewed above and partial dynamic collapse is the reduction of order for the compensated dynamics of the SMC of the system.

Pedagogical and Engineering Features: Effective application in education is not technological and managerial challenges of modern education, since its solution involves regulation of relations between all subsystems and elements of the educational system.

Virtual Research Environment: The space where with the help of virtual reality creates a special environment for research.

Triple H-AVATAR Technology: The technology of modeling and simulation based on known technology of Avatar used in the HHH University since 2010.

Organizational Potential: Methodical approach to the assessment of organizational capacity higher education institutions.

Assessment of Institutional Effectiveness: Application of the multivariate analysis conformity for the structural analysis of the pedagogical staff of the research university.

Distance Education Expert (DEE): High level specialist in DE.

Adaptive Technology: Special technology for disabilities.

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