Security Standards and Issues for Grid Computing

Security Standards and Issues for Grid Computing

Athanasios Moralis, Vassiliki Pouli, Mary Grammatikou, Dimitrios Kalogeras, Vasilis Maglaris
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0879-5.ch708
(Individual Chapters)
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Security in grid environments that are built using Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) technologies is a great challenge. On one hand, the great diversity in security technologies, mechanisms and protocols that each organization follows and on the other hand, the different goals and policies that these organizations adopt, comprise a complex security environment. Authenticating and authorizing users and services, identity management in a multi-organizational scenario and secure communication define the main context of the problem. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the security protocols and technologies that can be applied on a Web Service (WS) based grid environment.
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Traditionally, communications have been protected at the network layer by adopting technologies such as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or the Transport Layer Security (TLS) (Dierks & Rescorla, 2006) and the Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) (Kend & Atkinson, 1998).

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