The Merits of a Chief Diversity Officer (CDO): Enterprise Training Program Strategy

The Merits of a Chief Diversity Officer (CDO): Enterprise Training Program Strategy

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4803-8.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
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Developing an enterprise training program requires a commitment to cultivating diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) organizational initiatives while providing alignment to the organizational mission, vision, and ethos. With this knowledge, enterprise training programs benefit organizations by fostering authentic cultures to resolve persistent issues of bias, implicit bias, and offenses of corporate policies. As a value, organizational leadership must lead and champion diversity initiatives to ensure stakeholders understand the importance of complying with organizational policies. The problem is that effective DEIB initiatives need implementation or an overhaul. Institutional DEIB initiatives fail because they have yet to identify the rationale for program development, provide financial investment, indicate specific and measurable program improvements, identify appropriate stakeholders to achieve institutional goals, and ensure implementation of streamlined program processes so that facilitators have needed administrative, instructional, and professional support.
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The purpose of this expose is to create and assess a Chief Diversity Officer (CDO): Enterprise Training Program Implementation Strategy. Composing insightful diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) frameworks requires presenting assertions about developing recommendations, emendations, and practical application. Furthermore, assertions are assembled from peer-reviewed sources of comparative context. The research content is divided into different sections and coordinated with proficient reflexology. Presenting research exhibits professional capabilities and incorporates astute connections of the data compiled. As a result, the variety of peer-reviewed research articles provide evidence for a DEIB enterprise training program implementation strategy.

Chief Diversity Officer (CDO): Enterprise Training Program Implementation Strategy

Developing a DEIB enterprise training program requires a commitment to cultivating a DEIB organizational initiative while providing alignment to the organizational mission, vision, and ethos (Atewologun & Mahalingam, 2018). With this knowledge, enterprise training programs benefit organizations by fostering authentic cultures to resolve persistent issues of bias, implicit bias, and offense of corporate policies (Carter et al., 2020; Nonnemacher & Sokhey, 2022). As a value, organizational leadership must lead and champion diversity initiatives to ensure stakeholders understand the importance of complying with organizational policies (Taylor et al., 2022).


Main Focus Of The Chapter

Exceptional organizations incorporate innovative change management, learning, and curriculum strategies that are conveyed through training. Organizations must take a no-tolerance approach to inequity in the workplace (Herring & Henderson, 2015). To this end, organizations must develop DEIB curriculum, gather pertinent data, assess data analytics, convey targets, disseminate advancement data, and encourage organizational stakeholders to reveal and live their true identities within educational and professional settings (Cascio & Aguinis, 2011).

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