Unlocking the Power of Prompt Engineering: Diverse Applications and Case Studies

Unlocking the Power of Prompt Engineering: Diverse Applications and Case Studies

K. S. Jasmine
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1351-0.ch020
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Prompt engineering holds immense relevance in the present world due to its pivotal role in advancing natural language processing (NLP) technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) applications. Also prompt engineering is instrumental in shaping the present landscape of AI-driven technologies, making them more efficient, accessible, and personalized. As these technologies continue to evolve, prompt engineering will remain a vital area of research and development, ensuring that AI systems effectively meet the diverse and dynamic needs of our society. Also, generative AI can create personalized learning experiences for students by analyzing individual learning styles, preferences, and progress. In this context, the chapter explores the art and science of prompt engineering. Through a collection of case studies and real-world applications, the chapter showcases the versatility of prompt engineering, offering insights into how it enhances machine comprehension, content generation, and problem-solving across domains. Here the case studies are discussed using ChatGPT 3.5 version.
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Artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) have witnessed an unprecedented surge in development and application in recent years, reshaping the way humans interact with technology. As AI systems have become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, the need for more refined and efficient communication between humans and machines has grown exponentially. This evolving landscape has given rise to the science of prompt engineering, a field dedicated to optimizing the interaction between users and AI systems.

Prompt engineering can be likened to the architect's blueprint in construction. It involves crafting tailored input prompts that serve as instructions for AI models, guiding them to produce desired and contextually relevant outputs. These prompts act as the key to unlocking AI's potential to understand and respond effectively, making it a versatile tool applicable to a wide range of domains.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Prompt-Based Learning: It is a form of learning and instruction that relies on the use of prompts or specific instructions to guide students or learners in their thinking and problem-solving processes.

Educational Teaching: It is the process of imparting knowledge, skills, values, and information to students or learners with the goal of facilitating their learning and development

Prompt Engineering: It is the process of designing and crafting specific prompts or input instructions for a machine learning model, particularly natural language processing models like GPT-3, in order to elicit desired responses or behaviors from the model.

Personalized AI: This term refers to the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to tailor and customize digital experiences, content, services, and recommendations for individual users based on their unique preferences, behavior, and characteristics

Harnessing Creativity: This term refers to the deliberate and strategic utilization of creative thinking, innovation, and original ideas to achieve specific goals, solve problems, and drive positive outcomes.

Generative AI: This term refers to a category of artificial intelligence systems and models that have the capability to generate content, such as text, images, audio, or other data, that is not directly copied from existing examples but is instead produced based on patterns and knowledge learned from training data.

Efficient AI: This term refers to the development and deployment of artificial intelligence systems that can accomplish their intended tasks with minimal computational resources, time, and energy consumption

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