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What is Premenstrual Syndrome

Perspectives on Coping Strategies for Menstrual and Premenstrual Distress
The cause isn’t fully understood but likely involves changes in hormones during the menstrual cycle.
Published in Chapter:
Yoga: An Ancient Healing Approach for Cyclical Mastalgia
Garima Jaiswal (Amity University, Noida, India) and Keshav Sinha (University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, India)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5088-8.ch013
Breast pain, also known as mastalgia, is one of the most common clinical issues women bring to the surgical outpatient department. The epidemiological, pathological, and radiological aspects are used to obtain a complete view of mastalgia. Most patients expressed concern about cancer rather than debilitating pain that would interfere with their everyday activities. The therapy of patients with mastalgia requires high-quality radiographic and pathology services. Reassurance and appropriate medical and surgical treatment for the source of breast pain can help to reduce morbidity and improve the disease's outcome. In this chapter, the investigation of several current therapies and yoga therapy are discussed for cyclical mastalgia (CM). The research also looked into the impact of current therapies on psychological outcomes. The results indicated that the biochemical clinical trial is effective with side effects, and the primrose oil and seed treatment is ineffective. To handle mastalgia sufferers, integrated yoga therapy provides a high-quality trial.
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Yoga: A Stress Removal Toolkit During War From the Women's Perspective
A group of physical and emotional symptoms that occur before a woman’s menstrual period. Hormonal changes, including mood changes, physical symptoms, and more, cause it.
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