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What is Social Media Technologies

Handbook of Research on Humanizing the Distance Learning Experience
These well-established widely used technologies continue to evolve at a rapid pace with phenomenal effects for communication and social interaction. The proliferation of free web-based tools make them highly accessible and their affordances for rich communication has the potential to transform learning interactions.
Published in Chapter:
Integrative Course Design and Pedagogy to Humanize Online Learning: A Case Study
Kuki Singh (Edith Cowan University, Australia)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0968-4.ch012
This chapter deploys notions of learning, design, and professional development to conceptualize practical techniques for humanizing teachers' experience in an online course. Course design is approached from an eclectic theoretical lens to transform teacher perceptions and attitudes, and develop web 2.0 skills for teaching. A synthesis of data revealed consistently high (90-95%) student satisfaction, including perceptions indicative of a cultural shift. Improved learner motivation, engagement, retention and success are attributed to design techniques perceived by students as having humanizing effects. These relate to the course environment and navigation, content design, communication and interaction, student responsibility, active and collaborative learning, support, technology integration, and teaching with video. The case raises implications for digital delivery, interest-driven learning and the development of 2.0 skills in the context of both short professional development and semester length courses.
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