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International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR)
Open Access Journal
Clarivate Impact Factor 1.6

International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR)

This journal converted to Gold Open Access on January 1, 2021
Editor-in-Chief: Carlos Nunes Silva (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Indexed In: Compendex (Elsevier Engineering Index), INSPEC, SCOPUS, Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) and 15 more indices
Published: Continuous Volume |Established: 2012
ISSN: 2160-9918|EISSN: 2160-9926|DOI: 10.4018/IJEPR
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Published: Jul 17, 2024
DOI: 10.4018/IJEPR.345924
Volume 13
Hytham Mahmoud Mohammed Ismail, Mohamed Sobaih Ali El Mekawy, Mona Nasr, Mohamed Belal
COVID-19 pandemic has spread rapidly affecting the entire world. During the fight against the pandemic, hospitals are insufficient to meet the needs. This study aims to set the basis for optimal... Show More
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Ismail, Hytham Mahmoud Mohammed, et al. "Dual-Level Location Suitability Index for Optimum Site Selection." vol.13, no.1 2024: pp.1-35.


Ismail, H. M., Ali El Mekawy, M. S., Nasr, M., & Belal, M. (2024). Dual-Level Location Suitability Index for Optimum Site Selection. , 13(1), 1-35.


Ismail, Hytham Mahmoud Mohammed, et al. "Dual-Level Location Suitability Index for Optimum Site Selection," 13, no.1: 1-35.

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Published: Jul 16, 2024
DOI: 10.4018/IJEPR.345649
Volume 13
Carlos Nunes Silva
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Silva, Carlos Nunes. "Book Review of Sustainable and Smart Spatial Planning in Africa." vol.13, no.1 2024: pp.1-2.


Silva, C. N. (2024). Book Review of Sustainable and Smart Spatial Planning in Africa. , 13(1), 1-2.


Silva, Carlos Nunes. "Book Review of Sustainable and Smart Spatial Planning in Africa," 13, no.1: 1-2.

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Published: May 30, 2024
DOI: 10.4018/IJEPR.345648
Volume 13
Carlos Nunes Silva
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Silva, Carlos Nunes. "Conference Report: The 8th International Conference on Urban E-Planning, 2024." vol.13, no.1 2024: pp.1-5.


Silva, C. N. (2024). Conference Report: The 8th International Conference on Urban E-Planning, 2024. , 13(1), 1-5.


Silva, Carlos Nunes. "Conference Report: The 8th International Conference on Urban E-Planning, 2024," 13, no.1: 1-5.

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Description, Mission, Scope & Coverage
The International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR) publishes original theoretical and innovative empirical research on the many aspects of the emerging interdisciplinary area of urban e-planning. The journal is mainly focused on urban e-planning theory, history, methods, ethics, best... Show More
Mission & Scope:
The mission of the International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR) is to provide scholars, researchers, students, and urban and regional planning practitioners with analytical and theoretically-informed empirical research on e-planning, as well as evidence on best-practices of e-planning, in both urban and regional planning fields. The journal aims to establish itself as a reference for... Show More

Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are not limited to) the following:

Functional Dimensions of Urban E-Planning
  • E-Planning and Culture, Leisure, and Tourism
  • E-Planning and Digital Divide
  • E-Planning and Disability
  • E-Planning and Disaster Management
  • E-Planning and Education
  • E-Planning and Environment
  • E-Planning and Ethnicity
  • E-Planning and Gender
  • E-Planning and Health
  • E-Planning and Housing
  • E-Planning and Low Carbon Urban Development
  • E-Planning and Social Issues
  • E-Planning and Universal Design
  • E-Planning and Urban E-Marketing
  • E-Planning and Urban Economic Development
  • E-Planning and Urban Governance
  • E-Planning and Urban Infrastructures
  • E-Planning in Developing Countries
  • Smart Cities and Smart Urban E-Planning
  • Urban and Metropolitan Government Reform Through E-Planning

Future E-Planning
  • Future Directions for Urban E-Planning
  • Innovations and Best Practices in Urban E-Planning
Organization, Technology, Methods
  • Augmented Reality in Urban E-Planning
  • Citizen E-Participation in Urban Planning
  • Citizen Science in Urban E-Planning
  • Complexity and Wicked Problems in Urban E-Planning
  • Crowdsourcing in Urban E-Planning
  • Digital Augmented Reality and Citizen Engagement in Urban E-Planning
  • E-Planning and Visualization
  • E-Planning Benchmarking
  • E-Planning Data Collection
  • E-Planning Data Management (Data Analysis, Data Storage)
  • E-Planning Evaluation
  • E-Planning Monitoring
  • E-Planning Online Communication and Dissemination
  • Games and Idea Generation in Participatory Urban E-Planning
  • Games as Visualization and Participatory Tools in Urban E-Planning
  • GeoDesign and the Planning of Natural and Virtual Environments
  • Internet of Things in Urban E-Planning
  • Landscape Virtual Modeling
  • Living Labs in Urban E-Planning
  • Mobile Applications and Sensors for Urban E-Planning
  • Online Data Portals and Urban E-Planning
  • Online Decision Support Models in Urban E-Planning
  • Online Indicator Tools and Urban E-Planning
  • Organizational and Human Factors in Urban E-Planning
  • Participatory and Emotional Mapping
  • Participatory E-Activism in Urban E-Planning
  • Participatory Geoweb and Urban E-Planning
  • Planning 3.0
  • Qualitative Online Research Methods for Urban E-Planning
  • Quantitative Online Research Methods for Urban E-Planning
  • Scenarios and Prospective Methods in Urban E-Planning
  • Social Media and Citizen Engagement in Urban E-Planning
  • Software Technology for Urban E-Planning
  • Spatial Big Data and Data Mining in Urban E-Planning
  • Spatial Open Data and Participatory Urban E-Planning
  • Strategic Urban E-Planning Methods
  • Surveillance and Security in the E-City
  • Technology Pitfalls in Urban E-Planning Projects
  • 3D Cadastral Systems in Urban E-Planning
  • Virtual 3D Urban Models
  • Virtual Reality Environments in Urban E-Planning
  • Volunteered Geographic Information for Disaster Management
  • Volunteered Geographic Information in Urban E-Planning
  • Web-Based Public Participation in Urban E-Planning

Theory, History and Ethics of E-Planning
  • Data Protection and Citizens' Privacy in Urban E-Planning
  • E-Planning and Human Rights
  • Ethics in Urban E-Planning
  • History of Urban E-Planning (Adoption and Impact of E-Planning)
  • Theories of Urban E-Planning (Modern and Post-Modern Theories)
  • Trust in Urban E-Planning
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Submit to This Journal
This journal is currently actively seeking new submissions. Interested authors should ensure that their article manuscript adheres to the journal's submission guidelines and before you write page, which include originality of the manuscript, APA formatting information and examples, manuscript requirements, and more. To submit an article for consideration, please begin the submission process below.
Reviews & Statements

While we have long been familiar with the rapidly increasing power of computers and with the astonishing emergence of their graphic abilities, we are relatively newly aware of the opportunities offered by smartphones, cloud computing and the coming semantic web. Among the many areas to which these technologies may be applied, there are few more important that effective planning in the light of changing global and local conditions. IJEPR is an ideal forum for exploration of the relationship between the technologies and innovative applications in planning.

– Ian Bishop, University of Melbourne, Australia

International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR) is a high quality peer-reviewed journal with strong emphasis on providing both theoretical and empirical research on e-planning and, more importantly, opening horizons for new ideas of planning. Its special strength is that it combines social and political dimensions of planning with technological one, which is the key to reshaping planning systems and processes of our time. IJEPR serves as the major global forum for exchanging ideas of e-enabled planning and related issues.

– Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko, University of Tampere, Finland

The International Journal of E-Planning Research is an excellent journal; I recommend it highly for anyone interested in the application of the latest information and communication technologies to planning and related fields. It is particularly useful because it provides an international perspective on exciting e-planning applications such as Planning 2.0 and Web applications for planning.

– Richard Klosterman, University of Akron, USA

The International Journal of E-Planning Research delivers first class scholarship and critical perspectives on fast developing E-Planning techniques and practice. The range and quality of debate in the journal is making a valuable contribution to the use of advanced technologies in coming to better planning decisions and, importantly, to the widespread interest in the potential for more open forms of planning.

– Peter Newman, Unviersity of Westminster, UK
Submission-Related Inquiries
All inquiries regarding IJEPR should be directed to the attention of:

Carlos Nunes Silva
International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR)

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Ownership and Management

The International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR) is owned and published by IGI Global.

International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR) is editorially independent, with full authority of the journal's content falling to the Editor-in-Chief and the journal's Editorial Board.

The In-House Editorial Office manages the publishing operations of the journal.

IGI Global
701 East Chocolate Avenue
Hershey, PA 17033

Principal Contact
Grace Long
Managing Editor of Journal Development
IGI Global
Phone: (717) 533-8845 ext. 147

Support Contact
Samantha Miduri
Development Editor - International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR)
IGI Global
Phone: 717-533-8845