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Published: Oct 27, 2023
DOI: 10.4018/IJKSS.332869
Volume 15
Trung-Nghia Phung, Duc-Binh Nguyen, Ngoc-Phuong Pham
Fundamental speech recognition technologies for high-resourced languages are currently successful to build high-quality applications with the use of deep learning models. However, the problem of... Show More
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Phung, Trung-Nghia, et al. "A Review on Speech Recognition for Under-Resourced Languages: A Case Study of Vietnamese." IJKSS vol.15, no.1 2024: pp.1-16.


Phung, T., Nguyen, D., & Pham, N. (2024). A Review on Speech Recognition for Under-Resourced Languages: A Case Study of Vietnamese. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS), 15(1), 1-16.


Phung, Trung-Nghia, Duc-Binh Nguyen, and Ngoc-Phuong Pham. "A Review on Speech Recognition for Under-Resourced Languages: A Case Study of Vietnamese," International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS) 15, no.1: 1-16.

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Published: Nov 10, 2023
DOI: 10.4018/IJKSS.333617
Volume 15
Kanokwan Singha, Parthana Parthanadee, Ajchara Kessuvan, Jirachai Buddhakulsomsiri
This article presents a market basket analysis of a health food store in Thailand. The analysis identifies data attributes that frequently occur together in the dataset. Frequent occurrences of data... Show More
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Singha, Kanokwan, et al. "Market Basket Analysis of a Health Food Store in Thailand: A Case Study." IJKSS vol.15, no.1 2024: pp.1-14.


Singha, K., Parthanadee, P., Kessuvan, A., & Buddhakulsomsiri, J. (2024). Market Basket Analysis of a Health Food Store in Thailand: A Case Study. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS), 15(1), 1-14.


Singha, Kanokwan, et al. "Market Basket Analysis of a Health Food Store in Thailand: A Case Study," International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS) 15, no.1: 1-14.

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Published: Nov 21, 2023
DOI: 10.4018/IJKSS.333900
Volume 15
Piyanee Akkawuttiwanich, Pisal Yenradee, Narudh Cheramakara
This study focuses on the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on low-cost carriers (LCCs), particularly in comparison to full-service airlines (FSAs). With a target segment of price-sensitive leisure... Show More
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Akkawuttiwanich, Piyanee, et al. "Fuzzy QFD for LCC Strategic Decisions in Thailand: A Case Study of Nok Air and COVID-19 Recovery." IJKSS vol.15, no.1 2024: pp.1-26.


Akkawuttiwanich, P., Yenradee, P., & Cheramakara, N. (2024). Fuzzy QFD for LCC Strategic Decisions in Thailand: A Case Study of Nok Air and COVID-19 Recovery. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS), 15(1), 1-26.


Akkawuttiwanich, Piyanee, Pisal Yenradee, and Narudh Cheramakara. "Fuzzy QFD for LCC Strategic Decisions in Thailand: A Case Study of Nok Air and COVID-19 Recovery," International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS) 15, no.1: 1-26.

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Published: Nov 28, 2023
DOI: 10.4018/IJKSS.334124
Volume 15
Waranyoo Thippo, Chorkaew Jaturanonda, Sorawit Yaovasuwanchai, Charoenchai Khompatraporn, Teeradej Wuttipornpun, Kulwara Meksawan
This article presents a non-linear multi-objective optimization model with four different objectives for manual rice seed harvesting, aiming to ensure members' fairness and mutual benefits for a... Show More
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Thippo, Waranyoo, et al. "Multi-Objective Job Rotation in Rice Seed Harvesting With Equitable Injury Risk and Cost Allocation." IJKSS vol.15, no.1 2024: pp.1-28.


Thippo, W., Jaturanonda, C., Yaovasuwanchai, S., Khompatraporn, C., Wuttipornpun, T., & Meksawan, K. (2024). Multi-Objective Job Rotation in Rice Seed Harvesting With Equitable Injury Risk and Cost Allocation. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS), 15(1), 1-28.


Thippo, Waranyoo, et al. "Multi-Objective Job Rotation in Rice Seed Harvesting With Equitable Injury Risk and Cost Allocation," International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS) 15, no.1: 1-28.

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Published: Feb 26, 2024
DOI: 10.4018/IJKSS.339564
Volume 15
Porferio Almerino Jr., Marilou Martinez, Rogelio Sala Jr., Kent Maningo, Lourdes Garciano, Christine Catyong, Marvin Guinocor, Gerly Alcantara, John de Vera, Veronica Calasang, Randy Mangubat, Larry Peconcillo Jr., Emerson Peteros, Charldy Wenceslao, Rica Villarosa, Lanndon Ocampo
Identifying the primary factors of teaching quality remains a pivotal agenda for informed decision making, strategic planning, and resource allocation. This study builds upon ten key factors derived... Show More
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Almerino Jr., Porferio, et al. "Constructing an Interpretive Structural Model to Unravel the Interconnected Drivers of Teaching Quality in Higher Education." IJKSS vol.15, no.1 2024: pp.1-23.


Almerino Jr., P., Martinez, M., Sala Jr., R., Maningo, K., Garciano, L., Catyong, C., Guinocor, M., Alcantara, G., de Vera, J., Calasang, V., Mangubat, R., Peconcillo Jr., L., Peteros, E., Wenceslao, C., Villarosa, R., & Ocampo, L. (2024). Constructing an Interpretive Structural Model to Unravel the Interconnected Drivers of Teaching Quality in Higher Education. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS), 15(1), 1-23.


Almerino Jr., Porferio, et al. "Constructing an Interpretive Structural Model to Unravel the Interconnected Drivers of Teaching Quality in Higher Education," International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS) 15, no.1: 1-23.

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Published: Aug 16, 2024
DOI: 10.4018/IJKSS.352515
Volume 15
Raveekiat Singhaphandu, Warut Pannakkong
Industrial training increasingly uses computer technologies to boost efficiency, effectiveness, and safety. Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and e-learning platforms have transformed... Show More
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Singhaphandu, Raveekiat, and Warut Pannakkong. "A Review on Enabling Technologies of Industrial Virtual Training Systems." IJKSS vol.15, no.1 2024: pp.1-33.


Singhaphandu, R. & Pannakkong, W. (2024). A Review on Enabling Technologies of Industrial Virtual Training Systems. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS), 15(1), 1-33.


Singhaphandu, Raveekiat, and Warut Pannakkong. "A Review on Enabling Technologies of Industrial Virtual Training Systems," International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS) 15, no.1: 1-33.

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Published: Sep 6, 2024
DOI: 10.4018/IJKSS.353299
Volume 15
Porferio Almerino Jr., Milagros Sacro, Jeanne Therese Almerino, Al-Duane Esmoso, Fatima Maturan, Nadine May Atibing, Samantha Shane Evangelista, Joerabell Lourdes Aro, Lanndon Ocampo
Quality and inclusive education, especially for people with disabilities, finds priority in academic and policy initiatives for special education (SPED) programs. Several scholars have highlighted... Show More
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Almerino Jr., Porferio, et al. "Interpretive Structural Modelling and MICMAC Analysis for Rethinking Special Mathematics Education." IJKSS vol.15, no.1 2024: pp.1-23.


Almerino Jr., P., Sacro, M., Almerino, J. T., Esmoso, A., Maturan, F., Atibing, N. M., Evangelista, S. S., Aro, J. L., & Ocampo, L. (2024). Interpretive Structural Modelling and MICMAC Analysis for Rethinking Special Mathematics Education. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS), 15(1), 1-23.


Almerino Jr., Porferio, et al. "Interpretive Structural Modelling and MICMAC Analysis for Rethinking Special Mathematics Education," International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS) 15, no.1: 1-23.

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