Implementing Public-Private Partnerships: The Case of French Port Authorities

Implementing Public-Private Partnerships: The Case of French Port Authorities

Charles Fredouet, Olivier Desplebin, Frank Guerin
Copyright: © 2016 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/IJAL.2016010103
(Individual Articles)
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Shippers' frequent re-designs of their transportation networks directly impact the relative strength of the positions held by ports in these networks. Therefore, Port Authorities need to adjust their investment/cooperation strategies, often using public-private partnerships. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the analysis of the motivations, implementation and evaluation of such partnerships. The methodology is case-based and fully qualitative, both for data collection and for data processing. Three main motivations have been identified. Implementation features a standard activity split between partners, but proves to be rather context-specific on some other aspects. Evaluation is made through three main criteria.
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As they compete fiercely against one another, supply chains are constantly trying to improve their performance, through process and network re-designs which are specifically affecting freight transportation routes, thus possibly leading to a reduction of the number of ports of call.

In order to keep their place in present logistics networks and earn new ones in other chains, ports must therefore optimize their processes for allocating resources to the activities they are trusted with.

More specifically, one of the predominant orientations of Port Authorities (PAs)' strategy consists in setting up partnerships with the purpose of combining the partners' financial and operational resources for the most efficient service of the supply chains they are (or would like to be) part of.

Standing out as one of the possible frames for this collective approach of port strategy making, public-private partnerships (PPPs) have drawn the attention of French ports, where various instances of their implementation can be found.

This paper, the purpose of which is essentially managerial, focuses on this PPP-based strategic option. A first section presents the research questions dealt with and the data collecting methodology retained, while a second section describes and discusses in a decision support-minded way the findings resulting from data processing.

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