Discovering an Effective Measure in Data Mining

Discovering an Effective Measure in Data Mining

Takao Ito
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-951-9.ch026
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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One of the most important issues in data mining is to discover an implicit relationship between words in a large corpus and labels in a large database. The relationship between words and labels often is expressed as a function of distance measures. An effective measure would be useful not only for getting the high precision of data mining, but also for time saving of the operation in data mining. In previous research, many measures for calculating the one-to-many relationship have been proposed, such as the complementary similarity measure, the mutual information, and the phi coefficient. Some research showed that the complementary similarity measure is the most effective. The author reviewed previous research related to the measures in one-to-many relationships and proposed a new idea to get an effective one, based on the heuristic approach in this article.

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