Games in Higher Education: Opportunities, Expectations, Challenges, and Results in Medical Education

Games in Higher Education: Opportunities, Expectations, Challenges, and Results in Medical Education

Cláudia Ribeiro, Micaela Monteiro, Sofia Corredoura, Fernanda Candeias, João Pereira
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-3950-8.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Medical knowledge has increased exponentially in the last decades. Healthcare professionals face a lifetime challenge in keeping abreast with current medical education. Continuing Medical Education (CME) is an ongoing challenge. Traditional adult education, largely used in medical training, shows little effectiveness. Problem-based-learning has been proposed as a student-centred pedagogy to overcome failure of traditional medical instruction. In this chapter, the authors review the status quo of medical education, certification, and recertification in Europe. A summary of the history of simulation in medical education is presented. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in using video games for educational purposes. This is also true for medical education. The use of serious games in medical education is reviewed, and its integration in medical curricula is discussed. The efforts to raise awareness of policy makers are described. Finally, a critical assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of these technologies as well as a proposal to overcome some of its limitations are made.
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Medical Education

Society has changed dramatically in the last decades. Medicine is no exception. Medical knowledge has experienced an exponential growth. New diseases emerge and treatment is in permanent change with new drugs and treatment strategies being developed. Evidence-based state-of-the-art guidelines are updated every few years. For a student, what is current medical practice at the beginning of medical faculty may be completely obsolete when leaving it. Technology sets new standards in a vertiginous rhythm. Globalization is almost omnipresent and the Internet and its web 2.0 have changed the way people communicate, interact and perceive the world. As Prensky (Prensky, 2001) stated, rising generations are active and not passive, privilege graphics and animation over text, view technology as part of their lives and work as play and play as work.

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