A Space-Efficient Protocol for Consistency of External View Maintenance on Data Warehouse Systems: A Proxy Approach

A Space-Efficient Protocol for Consistency of External View Maintenance on Data Warehouse Systems: A Proxy Approach

Shi-Ming Huang, David C. Yen, Hsiang-Yuan Hsueh
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-951-9.ch198
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The materialized view approach is widely adopted in implementations of data warehouse systems in or-der for efficiency purposes. In terms of the construction of a materialized data warehouse system, some managerial problems still exist to most developers and users in the view resource maintenance area in particular. Resource redundancy and data inconsistency among materialized views in a data warehouse system is a problem that many developers and users struggle with. In this article, a space-efficient protocol for materialized view maintenance with a global data view on data warehouses with embedded proxies is proposed. In the protocol set, multilevel proxy-based protocols with a data compensating mechanism are provided to certify the consistency and uniqueness of materialized data among data resources and materialized views. The authors also provide a set of evaluation experiences and derivations to verify the feasibility of proposed protocols and mechanisms. With such protocols as proxy services, the performance and space utilization of the materialized view approach will be improved. Furthermore, the consistency issue among materialized data warehouses and heterogeneous data sources can be properly accomplished by applying a dynamic compensating and synchronization mechanism. The trade-off between efficiency, storage consumption, and data validity for view maintenance tasks can be properly balanced.

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