Ghazy Assassa

Professor Ghazy Assassa is graduate of the faculty of Engineering, Cairo University (1967); he got his MSc in Applied Mathematics from the University of Lyon (1972) and worked his PhD (Doctorat d’état es Sciences ) at Ecole Centrale de Lyon (ECL) and the University of Lyon (1976). He is a Certified Management Consultant (#11902), CMC IMC, UK, and former Management Consultant with EU projects PSDP program in Egypt. He worked as Researcher at the French National Scientific Research Center (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique ‘CNRS’) and worked on consulting assignments with prestigious European organizations in France and Italy including: the French National Scientific Research Center (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique ‘CNRS’ ), Avions Marcel Dassault-Breguet Aviation, Société Nationale d’Etudes et Construction de Moteurs d’Avions (SNECMA), Electricité et Gaz de France (EDF, GDF), Délégation Générale a la recherché Scientifique et Technique (DGRST). Working at the top management level at both Benha University in Egypt and King Saud University in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Professor Ghazy Assassa has a wide exposure and management experience in multiple areas including strategic planning, Information and Communication Technology, and developmental projects. In the period 2009-2018, Prof. Ghazy Assassa served at Benha University (Egypt) in many top management and leadership positions including: Advisor to Benha University President for Information Technology, Advisor to Benha University President for International Relations, University Chief Information Officer ‘CIO’, Director of the university Project Management Unit (BU-PMU), Strategic Planning Higher Committee (member), Higher Committee for University Ranking (Rapporteur), and director of the Portal Project. At the national level, Prof Assassa is a member of the National Committee for information and Communication Technology ‘ ICT’. At the international level, Prof. Ghazy Assassa is a council member (on behave of Benha university) of the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education EURASHE. He is also editor-in-chief of International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET). Prof. Ghazy Assassa has interdisciplinary specialization in many areas including and Renewable Energy (solar and wind), Fluid Dynamics, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Applied Numerical Computing, Mechanical Engineering, Modelling and Simulation, Information Technology, Computer Security, Software Engineering,. he has a rich management consultancy cumulative experience in multiple sectors including Strategic Management, Quality Management, Business Management, Balanced Scorecards and ICT. He has more than 60 publications in international journals and conferences.


International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET)
Ahmad Taher Azar, Ghazy Assassa. Est. 2010.
The International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET) stands as a beacon of scholarly excellence in the world of research and...