The Construction of a Personalised and Social U-Learning Environment for Third Level Education

The Construction of a Personalised and Social U-Learning Environment for Third Level Education

Olapeju Latifat Ayoola, Eleni Mangina
Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/ijcee.2012070103
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This paper presents a ubiquitous learning (u-learning) system, the “Personalised Ubiquitous Learning Platform” (PULP), which integrates collaborative and social learning for the enhancement of the third level educational learning experience. University College Dublin (UCD) provides its students with managed learning environments (MLEs) and adaptive learning via UCD Horizon which enables students to take different courses from different colleges throughout the university. The main objective of this platform is to complement the current MLEs with a single supported intelligent and personalised ubiquitous learning environment that will promote and make provisions for adaptive and collaborative learning, human computer interaction on mobile and desktop clients anywhere and anytime. The system aims to enhance the students’ learning experience in third level educational environment by employing personalisation techniques such as the agent-oriented recommendation technique to engage students and help them access the content material for their studies.
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E-learning is integrated into mobile clients such as game consoles, mobile phones for flexible learning (Laroussi, 2004). Since mobile internet has become a norm, distance learning has been enhancing the education of people living in different parts of the world, including under-developed and excluded regions. Mobile learning (M-learning) is highly linked with information retrieval, content delivery, ad hoc questions and answers, notes, comments and generally communication between learning communities and etc (Yuen & Wang, 2004).

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