Community of Practice Software Management Tools: A UK Construction Company Case Study

Community of Practice Software Management Tools: A UK Construction Company Case Study

Mark Jewell, Derek H.T. Walker
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-360-9.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter provides insights from a large UK construction organisation case study where communities of practice have been supported through use of a software tool and management approach that encourages their spread across the organisation. We provide a descriptive characterisation of what the community of practice (COP) software tool does, how it evolved, and anecdotal evidence from interviews with its users of its value to the UK case study organisation. We recognise the need to investigate COP value generation more formally, and we have developed a research proposal to undertake further work in a collaborative study with industry to provide useful COP performance measures to be undertaken. This chapter provides valuable insights from several years’ reflection upon the tool’s use and application, and we highlight both drivers and barriers to its deployment. The objective was to provide a practical example of what COP management tools could and should address.

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