Designing Hospital Information Systems: Handling Complexity via a User-Oriented, Document-Based Approach

Designing Hospital Information Systems: Handling Complexity via a User-Oriented, Document-Based Approach

Anita Krabbel, Ingrid Wetzel
Copyright: © 2000 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-878289-62-9.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


Anyone working in the area of hospital information systems is sooner or later amazed about the intrinsic complexity of the field. Finding ways to handle this complexity seems utterly important. In this chapter we present a user-oriented, document-based approach being developed and proven in cooperation projects with hospitals. The advantage of the proposed approach lies in the provision of means for handling different sources of complexity. The approach is characterized by an intended continuous switch between an organizational and workplace perspective in order to reduce complexity by changing the levels of detail. It initiates and supports ongoing negotiation processes among the heterogeneous user groups by providing user-oriented, easy-to-understand documents. Furthermore, it enables developers and users alike to represent and discuss current and future work practices including interim solutions of future system support.

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