The eLogBook Framework: Sustaining Interaction, Collaboration, and Learning in Laboratory-oriented CoPs

The eLogBook Framework: Sustaining Interaction, Collaboration, and Learning in Laboratory-oriented CoPs

Yassin Rekik, Denis Gillet, Sandy El Helou, Christophe Salzmann
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-963-7.ch123
(Individual Chapters)
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Convinced by the important role of CoPs (communities of practice) and the innovative learning modality they offer,the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne is currently developing a framework to sustain interaction,collaboration, and learning in laboratory-oriented CoPs, namely the eLogBook. This paper describes the services provided by this framework, the 3A model on which it is based, and the main features it presents. The eLogBookpresents several innovative features that make it different from other classical collaboration workspaces. TheeLogBook offers a high level of flexibility and adaptability so that it can fit the requirements of various CoPs. It allowsCoPs’ members to define their own rules, protocols, andvocabularies. The eLogBook also focus on usability anduser acceptance thanks to its personalization andcontextualization mechanisms. Finally, the eLogBookprovides a community’s members with ubiquitous services thanks to its multiple views and its advanced awareness services.

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