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International Journal of Technology and Educational Marketing (IJTEM)

International Journal of Technology and Educational Marketing (IJTEM)

Editors-in-Chief: Purnendu Tripathi (IGNOU, India), Siran Mukerji (IGNOU, India)
Indexed In: INSPEC and 12 more indices
Published: Semi-Annually |Established: 2011
ISSN: 2155-5605|EISSN: 2155-5613|DOI: 10.4018/IJTEM
Out of print.
Description & Scope
The International Journal of Technology and Educational Marketing (IJTEM) presents, analyzes, shares, and collaborates ideas, experiences, research studies, and cases on the advancements and innovations in technology and educational marketing. Targeting educational planners, administrators... Show More
Mission & Scope:
The mission of International Journal of Technology and Educational Marketing (IJTEM) is to provide an international forum for the advancement and application of different aspects of marketing management and technological innovations in all the segments of education, including school education, K-12 education, higher education, online, distance, and continuing education, and non-formal education.... Show More
  • Advertising and promotion of academic programs and educational institutions
  • Analysis of consumer behavior in development of new educational programs
  • Competitive pricing decisions in new academic programs
  • Digital service and education
  • Direct marketing of educational programs
  • Education product management
  • Educational and allied services marketing
  • Educational branding
  • Educational institution corporate identity
  • Educational marketing and e-communications
  • Educational marketing for community support and social development
  • Educational marketing management
  • Educational marketing research
  • Educational product management & and differentiation
  • Electronic educational marketing strategies and paradigms
  • E-marketing and education
  • Ethical issues in the marketing of education
  • Globalization and educational marketing
  • Green marketing for education
  • Innovations in technology for educational marketing
  • Interactive technologies for marketing education programs
  • International educational marketing strategies and technology
  • International partnership and franchising
  • Management of technology and marketing-led change in education
  • Market segmentation and education
  • Marketing mix and education
  • Marketing philosophy and ideology in education marketing
  • Network marketing of educational institutions
  • Online marketing for educational programs
  • Pricing of academic programs
  • Program positioning in global market
  • Quality, gaps analysis, and e-grievance redressal in institutional support services
  • Role of technology in promotional mix and education
  • Societal marketing and education
  • Strategic collaboration and transnational education marketing
  • Strategic marketing in education planning and implementation
  • Student as customers and institutions as corporate houses
  • Technologies for marketing of educational programs
  • Technology and academic program life cycle management
  • Technology and educational marketing
  • Technology and educational services marketing
  • Technology and relationship marketing for sustainable educational development
  • Technology enabled customer (students) relationship management
  • Technology enhanced educational partnership management
  • Technology for quality assurance in educational programs and support services
  • Technology for transnational partnership and collaboration in education
  • Technology in educational partnership management
  • Technology in educational program development
  • Technology in services marketing of education
  • Technology in transnational strategies for education
  • Trademark of academic programs
  • Virtual spaces and educational marketing
  • Web 2.0 technologies and educational marketing
Editorial Board

Editorial Board

*Purnendu Tripathi, Indira Gandhi National University, India ORCID
Siran Mukerji, Indira Gandhi National Open University, India ORCID
Associate Editors
Carolyn Stevenson, Purdue University Global, United States ORCID
Catherine Atwong, California State University, United States
Clare Blanchard, University of Chester, United Kingdom
Deryn Graham, University of Greenwich, United Kingdom
Don Krug, University of British Columbia, Canada
Doug Davies, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Australia
Elizabeth Donnellan, Kaplan University, United States
Felix Maringe, Southampton University, United Kingdom
Gilbert Ahamer, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria ORCID
Jace Hargis, Kean University, United Arab Emirates
Jill Jameson, University of Greenwich, United Kingdom
Joan Guàrdia-Olmos, University of Barcelona, Spain
Kathryn Ley, University of Houston-Clear Lake, United States
Kevin Yee, University of Central Florida, Spain ORCID
Michael Vallance, Future University Hakodate, Japan ORCID
Pak Ng, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Piet Kommers, University of Twente, Netherlands
Robson Marinho, Andrews University, United States
Rommel De Vera, Adamson University, Philippines
Rudy McDaniel, University of Central Florida, United States
Ruth Gannon-Cook, DePaul University, United States
Xavier Triadó Ivern, University of Barcelona, Spain
Editorial Review Board
Aaron Hung, Columbia University, United States
Ahmed Rafi, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Brian Vander Schee, Aurora University, United States
Constance Wanstreet, The Ohio State University, United States
Darwish A. Yousef, UAE University, United Arab Emirates
David Stein, The Ohio State University, United States
Davison M. Mupinga, Kent State University, United States ORCID
Eunhee O’Neil, Center for International Virtual Schooling, United States
Eunhee Jung, IVECA International Virtual Schooling, United States
Gabriele Strohschen, DePaul University, United States
Janet Salmons, Vision2Lead, Inc., United States
Karen Kaun, Knowledge iTrust, United States
Karin Levinsen, Aarhus University, Denmark
Katalin Csoma, Embassy of Canada in Budapest, Hungary
Larry Burton, Andrews University, United States
Lynn Wilson, SeaTrust Institute & Walden University, United States
Neo Mai, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Omar Al Rayes, Dar Al Uloom University, Saudi Arabia
Payal Arora, Erasmus University, United States
Peter Woods, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Pilar Aparicio Chueca, University of Barcelona, Spain
Rikki Rimor, Kibbutzim College of Education Technology and the Arts, Israel
Ruth Robbins, University of Houston-Downtown, United States
Sharmi Surianarain, The Resolve Group, South Africa
Thomas Henriksen, University of Aarhus, Denmark
Viktor Wang, California State University, San Bernardino, United States ORCID
Yigal Rosen, Harvard University, United States
Zuochen Zhang, University of Windsor, Canada
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Editorial Office
701 E. Chocolate Ave.
Hershey, PA 17033, USA
717-533-8845 x100
Ownership and Management

The International Journal of Technology and Educational Marketing (IJTEM) is owned and published by IGI Global.

International Journal of Technology and Educational Marketing (IJTEM) is editorially independent, with full authority of the journal's content falling to the Editor-in-Chief and the journal's Editorial Board.

The In-House Editorial Office manages the publishing operations of the journal.

IGI Global
701 East Chocolate Avenue
Hershey, PA 17033

Principal Contact
Grace Long
Managing Editor of Journal Development
IGI Global
Phone: (717) 533-8845 ext. 147

Support Contact
Colleen Moore
Development Editor - International Journal of Technology and Educational Marketing (IJTEM)
IGI Global
Phone: 717-533-8845