Abdul Razaque

Dr. Razaque Abdul is an accomplished researcher and educator in the field of Computer Science & Engineering, with extensive expertise in cybersecurity, machine learning, quantum computing, and various other domains. He earned his PhD degree from the University of Bridgeport, USA, and completed his Post Doctorate at the University of Illinois, USA. With over 170 international academic publications, including journals, conferences, and book chapters, Dr. Razaque has made significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge in cybersecurity, biometric authentication, computer networks, and mobile malware detection and infringement. He has authored four academic books on these subjects. Dr. Razaque has held prestigious editorial positions, serving as the Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal for Engineering and Technology (IJET), Singapore, from 2012 to 2015. Additionally, he has been an Editor, Associate Editor, and Member of the Editorial Board for several other journals. As a dedicated researcher, Dr. Razaque has secured significant research funding totaling US$3,548,270.00. He has taught a wide range of courses, including Big Data Analytics, Data Mining, Secure Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, Cryptography for Information Security, and many more. His research interests encompass cybersecurity, machine learning, deep learning, quantum computing, data science, wireless sensor networks, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and more. Dr. Razaque holds multiple certifications, including Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), and ISACA Certified Information Security Manager (CISM). Throughout his career, Dr. Razaque has been recognized with numerous awards, including the Google PhD Fellowship, Best Paper Awards at prestigious conferences, and scholarships such as the Commonwealth Fellowship and the Split Merit Scholarship. His outstanding contributions to research and education have earned him international acclaim and accolades from esteemed organizations worldwide.