Şahin Akkaya

Şahin Akkaya , having his BA,MA and Phd degrees in the field of Public Finance,has been working at Istanbul University,Faculty of Economics since 1985. He teaches environmental economics, the theory of public finance,tax theory and policy,globalization and fiscal system,taxation and welfare,and international public finance in undergraduate and graduate programs of public finance. Dr.Şahin Akkaya,who studies especially in the fields of international public finance, global public goods, tax policy,environmental economics, climate change and carbon tax, has many scientific publications on these subjects.He has published three academic books in the fields of environmental taxes and tax policies in the globalization age.


The European Union's Border Carbon Tax Regulation and Its Possible Effects on Turkey's Exports in the Short Term
Şahin Akkaya. © 2024. 15 pages.
The European Union's carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) ratified by the European Parliament as a part of the European Green Deal in 2023 will be in effect in the...
Handbook of Research on Challenges in Public Economics in the Era of Globalization
Şahin Akkaya, Başak Ergüder. © 2022. 480 pages.
Over time, public goods, services, and policies have been developed for the welfare of people all over the world, and public finance in particular focuses on challenging issues...
Do the New Global Challenging Issues Make Us Desperate?: Global Perspectives From Global Health Issues to Space and Cyberspace
Şahin Akkaya. © 2022. 18 pages.
The aim is to elaborate global health issues, internet architecture, and the peaceful use of space because these new global challenging issues have global public goods aspects...