Amairany Vega Bravo

Amairany Vega Bravo is a Medical Doctor. She studied Medicine at Tecnológico de Monterrey School of Medicine in Guadalajara, Mexico. She has worked on Public Health projects through Compañeros en Salud, a university chapter of Partners In Health. In addition to being the founder of Incluyo, a social enterprise that promotes the emotional and personal development of LGBTQ+ youth through the creation of safe spaces ( She aspires to become a pediatrician and then pursue a master's degree in public health to carry out community impact projects with a focus on children and adolescents.


We're All in This Together: How Peer-Assisted Learning Makes Everyone Strong
Jessica López Espinosa, América Daniela Valero Rodríguez, Amairany Vega Bravo, Gabriela Vázquez-Armenta, Mildred Lopez. © 2024. 17 pages.
Peer-assisted learning (PAL) is a popular learning method in health science education. It involves students assuming roles as teachers and learners and can be categorized based...
Shake It Off: Emotional Keys for a Successful Performance in the Clinical Environment
América Daniela Valero Rodríguez, Jessica López Espinosa, Amairany Vega Bravo, Gabriela Vázquez-Armenta, Mildred Lopez. © 2024. 13 pages.
Medical students' training must be comprehensive, encompassing the acquisition of theoretical knowledge as well as the development of interpersonal and social skills, in...